HD TV settings on Panasonic 42PZ85

Garth Man

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Dec 1, 2008
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My brother and Mother!!! were both wigging me on Planet Earth on BBC HD on Saturday

I was using Cinema Mode. 60-70% Contrast, 45-55% Brightness, 40-50% Colour with Warm setting and other settings turned off

They were more impressed with Dynamic Mode with 100% Contrast, 50% Brightness, 50% Colour and Normal Setting

They said that the Mode I had was grey, dull and dark.

Admitingly I did agree but found the other setting way to bright, though it did show the blue in the ice caps in picture!!

I have followed all the optimisers etc., and I know its a preference to what you have it configured and prefer.

Any other Plasma users particulary Panasonic, share what settings they have for Film, and TV please

Many thanks



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Sep 25, 2008
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I have had 3 Panasonic Plasmas and IMHO they dynamic mode should be avoided.
Way to bright and garish, I always thought this was for shop display where this mode is always enabled?

I tend to find that some people like a really warm/bright picture (colour balance what balance) which was how they used set their CRT TV.
Whilst I do personally prefer a brighter picture this can be done ensuring any power saving mode is off as I have found that this may impact the general brightness.
I then usually increase the contrast to maybe 75% and that should make things a bit brighter.


for the most lifelike picture i find the cinema setting the best , good for revealing detail in dark scenes too , it can look a little dull though , especially in the daytime , then i just turn up the contrast a little , looks punchier , for a slight loss of shadow detail , how anyone can want to use the dynamic setting i dont know , i suppose if someone was used to a bright lcd , and then seen your tv on , cinema , they may find it underwhelming , but once you adjust to it , its a much more realistic picture in my opinion ...




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