plastic penguin said:
Infiniteloop said:
abacus said:
Get an ear test done and you will know where your ears are below par. (Its easily measured and you can take the results home)
Run the auto setup of your AV and then manually adjust the results to compensate for your ear deficiences, this way you will know that you are hearing your system at its best.
NOTE: Not everybody likes acurate sound, so if you still dont like it then just adjust it to suit. (Just remember that if you do this then when you go out to hear live music it will sound nothing like how your system sounds)
I agree with you that not everyone likes accurate sound.
Really? knew I was missing something fundamental. I'll have my ears checked at the earliest opportunity and change my whole system and buy a 10ks worth of set-up to hear subtle differences.
More seriously, some people just like a sound that appeals - if it means stuffing accuracy up your mains flex then so be it.
one of the problems with these threads is that people who aren't interested in measurements, etc. sometimes seem to take it personally and reinterpret the question or a discussion of accuracy as being an attack on their own systems. I honestly don't think the difference is so big, and even when we talk about inaccuracies it's not like the system is completely useless, it is mildly less accurate. It's like the difference when the media uses a graph where they don't set the y axis at zero to make it seem like a massive difference when it would be more accurate to start the y a is at zero to show that it's a more subtle difference.
It's not as if you're going to turn up to a live show, listen to the singer and think, who's this joker they've replaced their singer with? You'll still recognize the voice.
Having said that, this is a hobby (disease?) where we are often striving, and paying good money for, relatively subtle differences that can make a day and night difference to how we enjoy our systems.
Some do it by pursuing greater accuracy. Others who don't shouldn't take it as a complete write off of their own systems. It does not conversely mean that their systems are totally inaccurate. We're not normally dealing with an either/or situation as there's no such thing as a perfect system.