Dolby EX and Dolby D EX what is the difference?


Well-known member
Nov 29, 2007
strange one here.

the Perfect storm on Blu.

I select the DD true HD track and the Onk 805 lights up the true lights but displays Dolby EX (settings set to play back the true HD track on the amp settings).

select the base DD EX track and the amp shows Dolby D EX.

this is strange as i normally would expect the Amp to show Dolby true HD when playing that track, just checked on another disc.

Panna BD 35 if you needto know.

tis an odd one. Oh if i select display and the sound track it does say TrueHD multi.

any ideas.
This usually means the amp has been set up to create 7.1-channel sound when the disc soundtrack is only 5.1 or less. That's certainly the case on my 875.
thanks that would be my understanding as well.

but it seems to be disc encoded.

as the amp is set up to play back DDtrueHD 5.1 if that is what the track is, and checked on an other disc. but one thing i did not consciously check was to see if the rear were on. (I think they were) as i was not expecting them to be on.

I is no biggie but it was a confusing moment.
The Perfect Storm is an EX-encoded disc even on its Dolby TrueHD soundtrack. Your receiver is simply detecting the correct digital flag (just as it would do with the Dolby Digital EX soundtrack also present) and switching to the appropriate surround mode automatically. Nothing to worry about. From memory, The Clone Wars and an Austin Powers disc are also EX-encoded TrueHD mixes: there may be more. DTS does the same thing on certain discs too, offering ES-Matrix mixes of DTS-HD Master Audio soundtracks.

Of course, it's perfectly possible to engineer proper 7.1 audio mixes on Blu-ray (there's room, after all) but an EX-encoded soundtrack might have been chosen instead in a bid to conserve space, depending on the other requirements of the disc encoders. Or it could be that this is the widely available audio mix already in existence, and the studio decided that the most cost-effective option available was to revamp it in its existing form for Blu-ray, rather than re-engineer it with more channels of content.
Andy, thank you very much.

i can stop the head scratching now.

b****y BD labeling/standards.
Andy Kerr:

DTS does the same thing on certain discs too, offering ES-Matrix mixes of DTS-HD Master Audio soundtracks.

Yes, my copy of Wall-E does that. Receiver indicates ES-Matrix when I select HD MA. Never understood why, thanks!

(Edit: actually on the Wall-E BD there's no selecting at all, there's just one DTS track available, but I know it's an HD MA track).


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