Do you listen to complete albums anymore?


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Sep 23, 2007
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Since moving to a computer based system I find that I don`t listen to an album from start to finish anymore,just set I-tunes to shuffle and let it play.While shuffle is not as random as I would like I find it a great way to re-discover the more obscure/forgotten parts of my music collection and not knowing what`s coming next. When I was cd based there was a hardcore of 40-50 albums which always seemed to find their way into the player to the neglect of the rest of my collection.


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Sep 23, 2007
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I don't even rip complete albums.

I do rip the complete album even if I know there are tracks I don`t like and then just untick them in Itunes,never know when you might want to re-evaluate that hated track!


I would always rip the whole album, and although most of my listening is now through iTunes, I would put on whole albums when I'm sitting to listen properly but the shuffle from a specific music folder when I'm working at home or messin' about...

If I'm properly istening, a CD is put on and enjoyed in its entirety....


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Oct 8, 2007
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I don't even rip complete albums.

I never used to, and I still dont have whoel albums on the PC, but have just finished ripping everything agian and have ripped every disk in full to an external HDD. Soon Ill put teh stuff i like most onto the PC, but ill still have access to the other stuff on teh external HDD (in case i think "actually i never gave that a fair chance", or whatever).

I rarely lsiten to whoel albums (though im liking 37 Days by Beth Hart just now) and i never really did. As ive said before ad nauseum i didnt come to hdd music from a decent CD based system, i wasnt into "hifi" back then. I had a CDP of a sort, and tape decks, and often i taped stuff from CDs to make "best of" or "various artists" compilations. I've always liked that way of listening.


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Feb 22, 2010
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basshound:.While shuffle is not as random as I would like I find it a great way to re-discover the more obscure/forgotten parts of my music collection and not knowing what`s coming next.

I think you can adjust the settings for shuffle to make it more or less likely that tracks by the same artist will appear together.

There are also interesting reports on the differences between what most people think of as random and the results that actually do pop up randomly.

I tend to use shuffle most of the time, and I agree that it helps me rediscover some of my music, but I also tend to skip a lot until I find something I'm in the mood for.

I also like to sit down with an entire album, because sometimes it is more than the sum of its parts.


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Oct 8, 2007
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basshound:.While shuffle is not as random as I would like I find it a great way to re-discover the more obscure/forgotten parts of my music collection and not knowing what`s coming next.

I think you can adjust the settings for shuffle to make it more or less likely that tracks by the same artist will appear together.

There are also interesting reports on the differences between what most people think of as random and the results that actually do pop up randomly.

I tend to use shuffle most of the time, and I agree that it helps me rediscover some of my music, but I also tend to skip a lot until I find something I'm in the mood for.

I also like to sit down with an entire album, because sometimes it is more than the sum of its parts.

It is random, unless the shuffle is the MP3 player Apple adapted so that it had the feeling of being more random whilst being, in fact, less so.

EDIT Oops. Or, indeed, the shuffle they made changeable by the user, as ID says.


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Aug 19, 2010
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I random play 90% of the time but for that other 10% it is nice to have every album in full for a more complete choice. Plus the more obscure stuff can still surprise me on random. I don't star rate my tracks in order to keep them equally random.

Some albums have to be played in their entirety. A track off "The Wall" can just appear as complete nonsense out of context. some would say they are nonsense anyway but that is another discussion.

Frank Harvey

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Jun 27, 2008
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I listen more to Last.FM nowadays looking for new music, but when I do find something new, I generally listen to the whole album using Napster. If it really grows on me, I'll buy the CD so I can use it in the store as well.

Whether I listen to the whole album non stop depends on how strong the album is.


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Some albums have to be played in their entirety. A track off "The Wall" can just appear as complete nonsense out of context. some would say they are nonsense anyway but that is another discussion.

This is true, listening to opera on shuffle doesn't work very well either.


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Jul 24, 2010
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I don't have any single tracks in iTunes, only complete albums, I am almost obsessive compulsive about not putting an album on unless I am going to sit and listen to it in it's entireity!

Some artists still record albums with this expectation, Elbow's Seldom Seen Kid springs to mind.


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Sep 23, 2007
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ID.:I think you can adjust the settings for shuffle to make it more or less likely that tracks by the same artist will appear together.

I remember this option in earlier versions of iTunes but it seems to have disappeared from the latest versions unless it`s been very cunningly hidden.



I don't have any single tracks in iTunes, only complete albums, I am almost obsessive compulsive about not putting an album on unless I am going to sit and listen to it in it's entireity!

Some artists still record albums with this expectation, Elbow's Seldom Seen Kid springs to mind.

A kindered spirit Rascal!
I thought I was an odity with my (ahem, small) obsession regarding having to listen to albums from start to finish. Phewww, this makes me feel a little more 'normal'
I'm the same when reading books and its a very very rare (or poor) book that I dont finish once started. I guess sometimes its a bit of a challenge or benefit of the doubt, hoping it will eventually get better. The kids do my nut in when they download singles onto the ITunes library (maybe its an age thing!!) and mess up all my neat rows of albums, grrrrrrrr


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Feb 21, 2009
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Good question - I tend to playlist several albums over the course of a day on Napster but tend to chop and change more than I did back in the day of cassettes and CDs only simply as its easier to do so now. There is something really to be said though for playing an album in its entirety and/or having the odd marathon.. recent ones included the entire Rolling Stones back catalog a few weeks ago and more recently (don't laugh!) a Randy Newman marathon..


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Mar 20, 2008
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I once got two free downloads from Tesco in christmas crackers so I listen to these tracks invidually. Everything else I have is albums and I always listen to the whole thing (assuming there is time).


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Mar 20, 2008
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nicholasc1585:The kids do my nut in when they download singles onto the ITunes library (maybe its an age thing!!)

Why don't they have their own iTunes?

You cannot get an itunes account until you are 13



nicholasc1585:The kids do my nut in when they download singles onto the ITunes library (maybe its an age thing!!)

Why don't they have their own iTunes?


Slightly complicated, but basically:

I have our complete Itunes library on the Administrator profile on one laptop (and back this up on an external hard drive). On each of the kids laptop user profiles, they have their 'own' Itunes library which is just a virtual extract from the main library of just their own music etc. Each have their own Ipod and sync it with their library. I however use the 'Family' Ipod (160GB Classic) which is sync'd with the main library and therfore contains everybodies audio&video!Phewww, I said it was complicated


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