Ok......my Q500/Q200c have arrived this morning....
Spend a good hour setting up the Q500's onto their spikes, adjusting, setting up bi amping, and connecting.....
Had one spike stand thread from the bottom of the speaker come out at one stage......once you screw the bolts in, DON'T try taking them out again, as the thread inserts come out with the bolt........wonder if KEF has ever heard of glueing before???
Anyway......these speakers defo look the part, and I bi amped them onto my Denon AVR2310 and played some cd's via my Marantz KI player, using the Chord Odyssey 2 cable...
After a few tunes, all I can say is....
Love them even more than after listening to them in the demo room. Was a little concerned about the amount of bass these speakers produced, but in my lounge the bass is spot on....in fact I'd describe these as a perfect balance of bass, mid and detail, with a massive soundstage......
In hindsight, I think the Q700's would have been too much in this room (not only size, but amount of bass too)
Anyway...they are on repeat for the rest of the day to settle down a bit, and then I'll experiment with the Chord silverscreen speaker cable.....
Awaiting a tv unit before I can connect the centre speaker, so I'll guess that will have to wait a while.....