Demo Day Results....B&W 684, MA RX6, KEF Q500 & Q700.

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1000poundman said:
Which sub did you take?

I have a REL Storm III at this time, if I do change (and it could happen) I would be looking at the BK 400 or Monolith (I think)

have made my purchase and get delivery tomorrow of q900's front q200 centre q500 rear's and a HTB2SE Sub which all sounded very dandy, just need some advise on cables as What Hifi say avoid bright cables but there is no real suggestion as to what is bright or otherwise. I am considering bi amping the fronts so would like to consider cables that suit that and my lx82. Or happy take suggestions about the whole biamping idea.
1000poundman said:
have made my purchase and get delivery tomorrow of q900's front q200 centre q500 rear's and a HTB2SE Sub which all sounded very dandy, just need some advise on cables as What Hifi say avoid bright cables but there is no real suggestion as to what is bright or otherwise. I am considering bi amping the fronts so would like to consider cables that suit that and my lx82. Or happy take suggestions about the whole biamping idea.

Bi-amping is usually worth doing.

Whats your budget for cables?
IMO, use as good as you can sensibly afford for the front, and cheaper generic copper for the rears.
Very interesting dicussion here.

Did also last week went around shopping for a floorstanding speaker to replace my current KEF3005SE SAT/SUB.

Of course, tested out the 3 main makers (B&W, KEF & MA).

The unforunately part for me: all 3 of them are tested out in different hifi shop with different Amp & Player. Where I come from, there are no audio/Hifi shop where all these brands of speakers can be found in one shop 🙁

Same for me, I drop the B&W.

KEF indeed has the perfect high & mid range + wide soundstage. But I find the KEF (even the Q900) didn't produce as much bass as MA RX6 (in fact, almost missing the low range).

The MA RX6 seem to be closer to what I would like except for some CD, it seem a little bit too bright.

I'm using a Onkyo AV Amp (NR808).

My room size is abt 12ft (wall to wall, TV to sofa) + 24ft (12ft for the living rm with another 12ft used as the dinning rm).

If I'm going to buy either the MA RX6 or Kef Q700, will these speakers be too big for my room ?

Remark : In the next few weekend, going to try to test out the EPOS/PSB/ Totam/Dali floor standing range. Maybe will even try the ProAc (if they are not too expensive).
To add to the confusion, been listening to Sky Arts HD tonight in Direct Mode (Beethoven Piano Sonatas), so just through the Q700s, absolutely right on the money for stereo imaging, mid and upper mid/treble etc, just superb, much better than the mix for multichannel sound...........

Thinking now that most programmes I view are simple voice or stereo music, so Direct Mode might be the new hybrid multi channel, and just keep 5.1 duties for exactly that, 5.1 duties
tane0019 said:
Very interesting dicussion here.

Did also last week went around shopping for a floorstanding speaker to replace my current KEF3005SE SAT/SUB.

Of course, tested out the 3 main makers (B&W, KEF & MA).

The unforunately part for me: all 3 of them are tested out in different hifi shop with different Amp & Player. Where I come from, there are no audio/Hifi shop where all these brands of speakers can be found in one shop 🙁

Same for me, I drop the B&W.

KEF indeed has the perfect high & mid range + wide soundstage. But I find the KEF (even the Q900) didn't produce as much bass as MA RX6 (in fact, almost missing the low range).

The MA RX6 seem to be closer to what I would like except for some CD, it seem a little bit too bright.

I'm using a Onkyo AV Amp (NR808).

My room size is abt 12ft (wall to wall, TV to sofa) + 24ft (12ft for the living rm with another 12ft used as the dinning rm).

If I'm going to buy either the MA RX6 or Kef Q700, will these speakers be too big for my room ?

Remark : In the next few weekend, going to try to test out the EPOS/PSB/ Totam/Dali floor standing range. Maybe will even try the ProAc (if they are not too expensive).

Got my Q500's in a room 14' x 12'.........they are 3.6metres away from the listening position. When purchasing, I thought the Q700's would be too big for the area.....

I think it was a good call too.....the Q500's fit nicely in the room!
1000poundman said:
have made my purchase and get delivery tomorrow of q900's front q200 centre q500 rear's and a HTB2SE Sub which all sounded very dandy, just need some advise on cables as What Hifi say avoid bright cables but there is no real suggestion as to what is bright or otherwise. I am considering bi amping the fronts so would like to consider cables that suit that and my lx82. Or happy take suggestions about the whole biamping idea.

I have found the Chord Odyssey 2 cable to improve the clarity of these speakers (all 3 front) when compared to the Chord Silverscreen speaker cable.......

The silverscreen sounds 'muffled' and dull in comparison.....

The Odyssey 2 offers 'faster', deeper bass reproduction too, and a more lifelike presentation to vocals...... my opinion!!!

I use QED micro for the rear KEF3001 eggs......

All 'Q' series speakers need bi wiring as a minimum....I have found that using the 'quick change' linking knob at the back of the speakers hinders the sound quality, which is a real shame as the design idea was an excellent one.....

Bi amping......even better!
Pistol Pete1 said:
1000poundman said:
have made my purchase and get delivery tomorrow of q900's front q200 centre q500 rear's and a HTB2SE Sub which all sounded very dandy, just need some advise on cables as What Hifi say avoid bright cables but there is no real suggestion as to what is bright or otherwise. I am considering bi amping the fronts so would like to consider cables that suit that and my lx82. Or happy take suggestions about the whole biamping idea.

I have found the Chord Odyssey 2 cable to improve the clarity of these speakers (all 3 front) when compared to the Chord Silverscreen speaker cable....... The silverscreen sounds 'muffled' and dull in comparison..... The Odyssey 2 offers 'faster', deeper bass reproduction too, and a more lifelike presentation to vocals...... my opinion!!! I use QED micro for the rear KEF3001 eggs...... All 'Q' series speakers need bi wiring as a minimum....I have found that using the 'quick change' linking knob at the back of the speakers hinders the sound quality, which is a real shame as the design idea was an excellent one..... Bi amping......even better!

The self appreciation society continues..............

IMHO you are dead right in your comments
Been thinking about the Chord oddssy 2 great write ups but to Biamp or Biwire just the fronts its going to be a few hundred pounds so I may just double up on my qed cables for now which will probaly not sound as good but a cheaper solution. Running the same cables to the rear I would need min 25mtrs ....damn expensive
I have a relatively small room for my RX6 AV12 ( about 15 foot by 12 foot) and sit about 2.5 metres from the viewing position and the speakers but at night with the lights out the sound comes from outside of the speakers. Very surreal.

You would not know you were sitting so close to the setup , so don't think you cant go large in a small room,it works for me.

I also Bi amp my fronts with QED XT400 bi wired and makes a noticeable difference to the cheap wire i used previously.

I also auditioned the Kef setup and was very impressed , i also preferred the walnut finish , however the overall package won it for me with the M A.
chris hollands said:
I have a relatively small room for my RX6 AV12 ( about 15 foot by 12 foot) and sit about 2.5 metres from the viewing position and the speakers but at night with the lights out the sound comes from outside of the speakers. Very surreal.

I find that one thing that limits soundstage is the imagination. You know where your walls are, so your brain tells you that the sound is within those walls, so that's what you believe. You know the sound is coming from two speakers, so that's what your brain believes. When listening to music (when no one's around so it's silent), close your eyes, and completely forget that you're in the confines of your own room, and forget there are two boxes in the room with you too. Make yourself believe there are no walls or speakers at all, and all space around you is infinite - you'd be surprised how big your soundstage can become, and how much your speakers 'disppear', allowing far greater depth to the sound than listening with your eyes open during the day. Some might think that's stupid, but do it properly and you'll never listen with the lights on or your eyes open again! :bigsmile:
1000poundman said:
Been thinking about the Chord oddssy 2 great write ups but to Biamp or Biwire just the fronts its going to be a few hundred pounds so I may just double up on my qed cables for now which will probaly not sound as good but a cheaper solution. Running the same cables to the rear I would need min 25mtrs ....damn expensive

There's a rule of thumb that says allow approx 10% of hardware value for cables!!

So if we consider the KEFs were around £2.4k and the sub, dunno let's say £600.00, total £3k, plus your exiting hardware then £200 -£300+ on Chord Odyssey 4 across the front 3 speakers is not a lot of money!!

Your system deserves, nope, demands it, you will not get anything near the best if you scrimp on cables, false economy IMO

Do it!!


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