FrankHarveyHiFi said:
... Having been doing this for just over 20 years, and working for 3 or 4 different dealers, so I've heard many products, and will get involved in threads where people are asking opinions on used stuff - only yesterday I was advising someone about buying a used power amplifier. This has been a hobby of mine for over 30 years now, and I've heard a fair amount of stuff from the 80's too...
If I may, David, I'd like to ask you a series of questions. I'd also like to throw out these questions to any other dealers who post on this forum. Or indeed, anyone else who'd like to answer them.
The aim of these questions is to gauge the breadth of your experience on hi-fi components. To see how much experience you have of kit that isn't normally sold through UK hi-fi dealerships.
The reason for asking is that most of the dealers I've met have extensive knowledge of the kit that they've stocked, but limited or no knowledge of kit outside the dealership sphere. Which is fair enough. We can't all be experts on everything. It just helps to put into context where their advice and opinions are coming from.
Which radio broadcast record players have you heard?
Which statement direct drive Japanese turntables from the 1970's and 1980's have you heard?
Which LDR or TVC or stepped attenuator based passive pre-amps / volume controls have you heard in passive pre-amp friendly systems?
Which SET valve power amplifiers have you heard?
Which "Class A" solid state amplifiers have you heard?
Which 1930's to 1980's Bozak, Altec, JBL, EV, Klangfilm, Vitavox speakers have you heard?
Which pre 1980's cinema or theatre speakers have you heard with a hi-fi system?
Which professional active speakers have you heard?
Which field coil speakers have you heard?
And when I say heard I don't mean a few minutes at some trade show. I mean heard in your own system or in a demonstration / bake-off against known references.