Damaged tweeter on B+W 685


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2007
The tweeter on my B+W 685 has become depressed slighty (poor thing - must be all this Morrissey i'm playing through it) and so has lost it's shape. My not so better half (accidentally) pushed it in and when trying to make up for her error, hoping i wouldn't find out, made the damage worse.

I was wondering how easy it is to get the front off the B+W's (it's not a job for a normal flathead or crosshead screwdriver) to attempt to push the tweeter cone back into shape.

The sound hasn't been affected too much, so i'm mainly doing this to get the original look back, instead of a crumpled cone.

Is it worth me doing this or am i risking causing even more damage by dismantling the speaker.

Thanks for any advise.
Depending on the severity of the dent - sometimes, getting a drinking straw and gently pressing it against the dent and sucking hard, will pull the dent out.

Some may suggest the use of a vacuum cleaner - but this will almost certainly result in major damage.

You may need to experiement with different sized straws...

In some more minor cases, a bit of careful fiddling with 'blu tack' can also result in a cure. (but I mean REALLY careful)

In the case of metal dome tweeters though, you're almost always left with a crease I'm afraid.

Just leave it as it is. In most cases, it doesn't affect the sound. If the dome is actually broken, then you have to replace it. But a small dent doesn't affect the sound.

Opening the tweeter assembly is out of the question, if you are not a technician.

Using vacuum force always works with soft domes, but sometines for metal domes it's harder to do. You can try it though, it may work.
The tweeters on 600s are a breeze. Remove the woofer and feel behind the tweeter, it's a bayonet type fit. Rotate it counter clockwise (clockwise if viewed from the front) and it will come out. Remove the diaphragm from the front of the tweeter, as far as I remember it's a clip fit, you will then be able to push it back into shape. If not, buy a new diaphragm from Bowers.


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