Cyrus Speaker pairings


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Oct 14, 2014
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Hi all,

I have an older hifi that I've not used a lot during the past few years, it's cyrus based, 6xpd/qx amp, cyrus dad3qx CD player and psu. Looking to change out the speakers, which I've never been truely happy with, they are KEFQ700, I had previously been a B&W fan, but looking to get a view of what pairs well. Probably have a £1,500 budget. Don;t really want to change out any of the Cyrus products.

Also I have a home cinema which used the Cyrus amp to drive the front speakers, so they need to be an allrounder for home cinema as well, although more of a music fan than home cinema.

Any thoughts or pointers?


Well-known member
Oct 14, 2014
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Never really got on with them, seem a bit light in the bass, replaced a set of B&W DM603s with them and it's just never been the sound I wanted. They were a £1k speaker back in the day, but there just seemed something lacking overall. Just never enjoyed the sound as much as the B&Ws.
Bit of a generalisation, but Cyrus amps always sounded on the brighter, lighter side to me, with little natural warmth. So, if you stick with them, I’d suggest Q Acoustics speakers as a range to explore :-
a. They are on the smooth, warm side.
b. They are widely available and great value
c. They do home cinema bundles if that’s what you need.

All the individual pairs are great in their own right too.


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I agree with @Al ears about the 'all rounder' requirement - generally the two purposes require different qualities.

Spendor speakers work very well with Cyrus, though given your comments about the KEFs you may find them bass light - they're all about refinement rather than all out bluster.

Q Acoustics are a good call, but I'd also suggest going back to B&W and exploring their latest 600 s2-series models as well as Monitor Audio.
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Also, a slight curve ball... I'm finding the little Rega Kytes work very well with my Cyrus amp. These are too small for your needs, but Rega make a full range of speakers, and the RX-5 floor standers would be well worth a demo.
Thanks for all the input, I was looking at B&W again and some good prices on older models, but would def want to audition, eg:

I think they offer a 30-day return policy, though check the actual conditions.


Well-known member
Apr 27, 2011
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Well, if bass output is the issue, try this before you spend any money.

There is essentially a 'dead zone' that sits just inside the perimeter of the room. If you stand with your back against a wall and talk in a linear fashion, you should hear power and chestiness in the voice. As you slowly shuffle off the wall, you will hear that power disappear - this may be approx 6" in to the room. Then, depending on the room, you will move through this zone, and the power comes back. This can be 1-2', and this region tends to coincide where most people like to place their speakers visually - the front edge of cabinets. Have an experiment with this - it could just be that the room is working against the speakers.

Also, KEFs don't appreciate the degree of toe-in that you would give a B&W speaker. If you haven't, stick them flat into the room and experiment with up to 10 or so degrees.


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