Hi guys. This is my first post and I would really like to thank everyone on here for the excellent comments and advice on what turned out to be my first 'proper' hi fi purchase.
I am a novice in terms audio equipment but am a professional musician so I was looking to buy some descent equipment to play my music collection.
I firstly bought my cm8 s1s recently for £900 and after much research and reading of forums went for the rotel rc1570 amp and rc1570 CD player.
I have to say I'm totally impressed and addicted to playing music back at any given opportunity. I listen to a range of music, mainly classical through to dire straits to jazz and have found the system fantastic at performing all tracks. The clarity and timbre of sounds is very accurate to my ears I and it's especially noticeable in classical music where many different instruments are playing, and these can be identified in very thick musical textures. The guy in the hifi shop was especially impressed with the detail picked up by the CD player and the ability of the amp speakers to immerse and surround the listener (me and him) with the sound, as if being there at the live performance. For the thrill, I've had various James Bond Daniel Arnold scores on including casino royal with the volume up turned and performance for me is stunning- the sound is big yet very detailed and concise. Some posters have mentioned the lower/bass end and at first I found a slight lack in clarity. However, since placing pillows behind the speakers, duvet covers on the side walls and curtains at the back of the listening position with more pillows at the bass of the curtains, the sound has improved so much to the extent where I'm experiencing much more detailed tenor and bass range. I'm hearing timbre of the cellos and hearing the growl of the double basses in some track although playing right at the bottom end. I'm not a 'pounding' deep level bass fan so perhaps this system isn't for those but I'm so impressed with it. It's the best thing I've ever bought and including my instruments bar my clarinet which is probably level.
All in all, from the point of view of a non-expert in audio, but from a dedicated and informed listener I would say that you can't go wrong with this system. For me it provides accuracy, clarity and a thrill on every track I've played from shostakovich to simply red. On a side note, if you want to give your system a true test for accuracy and power, try playing shostakovich symphony no7, (learnard berstein Chicago symphony orchestra recording) last movement 2 minutes from the end. It is the largest most fiery ending to any piece/song I've ever heard.
I would also like to thank once again all you guys for the fantastic opinions and advice you've expressed on this and other forums and I hope this post may be of some help to someone in my position 1 month ago. All the best for 2015