cleaning contacts


New member
Mar 5, 2008
I want to clean the contacts of my interconnects & speaker cables. What can I use besides buying deox-it and other expensive hi-fi related cleansers?
Pharmacies sell isopropyl alcohol, as do Maplins and other electronics stores. You may also find the little disposable wipes designed for cleaning glasses - the kind that come in individual sachets - do the job very well. As does unplugging and replugging the connections a few times.
Sorry gb,my sense of humour. What andrew is getting at is because the fit of your bananas and terminals is pretty tight,by pulling them out and in and out and shake it all about,the friction will rub a bit of the oxidisiation off,if you have any that is. But it will show as black residue if you use propyl and a cotton wool bud,bud.
No need to apologise, was not sure who you were referring to. Good sense of humour though.
I know...especially .com websites! ...kidding 🙂

PS: spit and polish...will that not work? ha ha
I use both isopropyl alcohol and Brasso. Brasso is great for plug contacts, fuses, interconnects, everything really. I used it on all metals and it seems to clean a lot of gunk off. Just be careful to not get Brasso stuck in gaps such as the pins on banana plugs.
Andrew Everard:
gbhsi1:Sorry- checked on the internet.

You don't want to go believing stuff you read on the internet...

Very true...I dont take a damn bit of notice of anything...particularly on forums.....
Nope. This forum, and all of you, are just a figment of my imagination.


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