busb said:
Alberich said:
Benedict_Arnold said:
I shall consider buying a Class D amp. Until then it's Class A or no class at all. My little hi-fi isn't going to kill the planet. After all, the brats almost certainly burn more juice leaving the pantry light on than I shall ever use listening to my stereo.
I suppose I'm trying to gauge what is the level of likelihood that future fans of class A will be deprived that choice. Future generations of audiophiles may have their hands tied on this. In 100 years from now audiophiles may not have the luxury to choose class A, and for better or for worse, class D and no doubt other topologies, will be the mainstay. Class A will become something uttererd only by ageing audiophiles and connoisseurs of vintage kit and ultimately resigned to history.
Look at the EU energy commissions ruling on vacuum cleaners for precedence. Who knows what regulations will have to imposed in the future. Some may find this tone alarmist in nature but be warned lovers of the pure current, the end is near!
The power consumed by vaccuum cleaners is vast compared to the few remaining Hi Fi systems so don't be too surprised if Hi Fi remains completely under the radar of commissioners!
Granted Hi Fi on its own may very well be too niche an area to be disproportionately affected by over regulation, but in the eyes of the commissioners it falls under the broad category of general consumer/home electronics sector along with PCs, TVs, washine mashines, the lot, which will see further and further regulation in the coming years.
We don't know what ideas are bouncing around the brains of the geniuses in Brussels.
Future legislation of this sector as a whole will put pressure on manufacturers of all electronics, Hi Fi included, to comply further, resulting in them inevitably moving away from the production of their more insufficient designs.
As i see it, Hi Fi will bear it's fair share of the burden, how can it not?
I'm not talking about the next decade or two, more into the latter half of this century possibly and the eventual demise of old dirty technology, inefficient Hi Fi amplifier topologies included.
Class A - A/B has no future.