First off, Lhc, get your own post if you want to answer for the OP.
Second, stop being a tw*t and offending as many people as possible (not just this posting either) - its not nice and tedious for everyone to read through your endless bickering.
Thirdly, and back to the OP...
the reason i ask why you want a CDT, is because if you want the best sound from CD's you can find that a CD player with its own DAC such as the Plinius will sound better than almost any CDT and DAC solution under £5k including the top flight Cyrus solution IMO. David's solution of CDT plus Power supply is sound, I just think you can get better sound from a complete CD player IMO if you buy second hand.
You can pick up the Blu on fleebay right now as its up for sale I think under £2k possibly subject to an offer price too, but no point getting this unless your matching the DAC as it wastes its potential.
I am yet to hear any streaming solution beats the best CD solutions without going very high in resolution, and think a CDT is a good idea for sound quality, i just think second hand CD players are best value given they are out of fashion, and The Plinius CD101 often goes second hand around £1,500. The Plinius used as a CDT is great into a QBD76, just pipped for naturalness in vocals and guitars using the PLinius DAC inside the CD player, but fast music plays best through the QBD dac.