Hi everyone.
I’ve just received Ruark’s new cd transport designed for use with its 410/610 units - this was long awaited for me, Ruark having advised me to return a third party transport and await the launch of their own as they were struggling to maintain compatibility with non-Ruark devices. For my use case it’s generally great - sound fine, easy plug and play, looks great (one of Ruark’s obvious selling points).
But… it makes a prominent double whirr noise between tracks in normal play back (ie not when skipping forward or back, or on shuffle or repeat). It’s as though it’s re-indexing the disc (noisily) at the beginning of every track. At best it’s annoying, but for anything continuous or with a quiet intro it’s very intrusive. I’d really appreciate any views as to whether this is a common or acceptable, or whether Ruark’s units with integrated cd players behave in the same way. As background, I’ve tried two units, and approached Ruark who claim this is normal.