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- Jun 15, 2011
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ifor said:Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the only pure CDT's that have have been suggested are:
Cyrus CDT
Wadia 571 CD
Chord Blu (second hand to be in budget)
Musical Fidelity M1CDT
other suggestions such as Bela Canto, Plinius and Roksan Caspian are complete CD players with built in DACs, so they don't fit the criteria.
I wll explore further and if anyone else has any relevent suggestions please let me know. No one has mentioned the Heed Obelisk DT which surprises me; I've heard it has had some rave reviews.
From the review in Hi-Fi World december 2011:
"Listening to the excellent Cyrus CD Xt SE+ transport, which costs f1,550, the opening of Mahler's second symphony is more rounded sonically. There seems to be less detail to the bass, while it is a pleasant sound, it lacks the definition that the Bel Canto has, almost as if there is a cloud of dust surrounding the music. Cello and bass notes don't have the same sting and attack. The soundstage doesn't have the same sense of layering that the Bel Canto provides as a transport. It is quite hard to tell that the basses and cellos are playing an octave apart, both pitches being subsumed into a single note. On this recording the Bel Canto does a better job on its own than the Cyrus does using the Weiss DAC202. This surprisingly shows the importance and contribution that a good transport makes."
Bel Canto CD2 is cd player, transport and preamp in one box and still outperforms a "dedicated" top end Cyrus transport.
just on opinion to think about...