tonky said:Cd (whether so-called sacd or just plain cd) is a superior listen compared to any compressed file.
I can hear a difference - I'm sure many others can too.
cheers tonky
tonky said:I don't know anything about tidal. But I can only say that (inmho - based on what I have heard) There is a hearable difference between compressed music (even 320 kbps - as good as I know it can be) and uncompressed wav type files. I listen to internet radio and enjoy listening to all sorts of compressed stuff.
But none of it is as good as uncompressed wav . cheers tonky
fwiw I am thinking of getting spotify sometime in the near future just to see/hear how good many people find it as a convenient and decent source of music
emperor's new clothes said:Shame you have to buy 5 versions of the same music to finally get one that satisfies. Whatever the reason BIA on SACD sounds stunning on my system and should on the OP's as he has an identical setup. Look forward to his view.
emperor's new clothes said:PS. Recently read a report from vinyl lovers in the USA saying that their versions were compressed compared to the European album.
hi I found your review on the sa8005 CD player and see you had the arcam irdac but thought that the CD player sounded much better without the ir dac being connected . I only got the irdac in the first place Improve the marantz pm6005 and the 6005 CD players sound and running Dali 3s at the time which the irdac did Improve the sound . But when I upgraded to the marantz pm8005 amp I still carried on using the dac and then I upgraded my speakers which are the best speakers I have ever hard in my life which then made me think to finish the final upgrade would be the matching CD player to go with the 8005 amp so I was thinking that the arcam dac would be better then the dac inside the marantz that's why I have carried on using it but now starting to think that now I have a good setup i do not need the arcam dac anymore so now I can not wait now to try it without the dac . But I always thought that the arcam blur brown was the best you could get as a dacAnimesh Ghose said:I upgraded to 8005 from cd 6004. I was using irdac with the cd6004. Altough both the cd player have same dac i am not using the irdac with 8005. 8005 sounds better on its own. On sq it does reflect the price difference. I posted a review here u might be able to find it.
Blacksabbath25 said:hi I found your review on the sa8005 CD player and see you had the arcam irdac but thought that the CD player sounded much better without the ir dac being connected . I only got the irdac in the first place Improve the marantz pm6005 and the 6005 CD players sound and running Dali 3s at the time which the irdac did Improve the sound . But when I upgraded to the marantz pm8005 amp I still carried on using the dac and then I upgraded my speakers which are the best speakers I have ever hard in my life which then made me think to finish the final upgrade would be the matching CD player to go with the 8005 amp so I was thinking that the arcam dac would be better then the dac inside the marantz that's why I have carried on using it but now starting to think that now I have a good setup i do not need the arcam dac anymore so now I can not wait now to try it without the dac . But I always thought that the arcam blur brown was the best you could get as a dacAnimesh Ghose said:I upgraded to 8005 from cd 6004. I was using irdac with the cd6004. Altough both the cd player have same dac i am not using the irdac with 8005. 8005 sounds better on its own. On sq it does reflect the price difference. I posted a review here u might be able to find it.
Blacksabbath25 said:i should get my sa8005 today or tomorrow as i orderd it from peter tyson on line but still running cd 6005 and irdac an till it comes
hi yes i got the sa8005 from Peter Tyson but on the Amazon site but maybe I should of gone to him directly then I would of got it sooner . I have not had a demonstration on this sacd player as I no it will be good so it was worth taking the risk as no one round here were I come from got one so it was impossible to get a demonstration done even on the pm8005 no one stocked it only the pm6005 & cd6005 that they seem to stock and now the new reference marantz amps & CD players they are starting to stock now but with a price tag of £1700 for the starting amp of the reference range and the same with the cd play I think that's about £2000 to buyAnimesh Ghose said:Blacksabbath25 said:i should get my sa8005 today or tomorrow as i orderd it from peter tyson on line but still running cd 6005 and irdac an till it comes
i got mine from peter tyson too, infact all my electronics are from PT. Nigel is a very good gentle man to do business with.