Marantz CD - 6005 vs KI Pearl Lite vs SA8005


Well-known member
Mar 8, 2014
Anyone has compared these CD players?

I have had the 6005 for 10 years and have always felt like it was a perfectly good CD player, but I have since upgraded all other components in my set-up and have been pondering whether to change.

I have seen the other two players listed on sale (around the £400 mark) and wonder if they would be an improvement over the CD6005?
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Anyone has compared these CD players?

I have had the 6005 for 10 years and have always felt like it was a perfectly good CD player, but I have since upgraded all other components in my set-up and have been pondering whether to change.

I have seen the other two players listed on sale (around the £400 mark) and wonder if they would be an improvement over the CD6005?
Perhaps, in build quality the Pearl Lite is going to be better however I have not actually compared them and I doubt many have as they all came out at different times.
If your 6005 is still going strong I would keep it.
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Don't bother. I had a new CD60 briefly, and it was nothing special. Sounded like a CD6007 in a heavier case to be honest. I don't think there's much to be gained by replacing the CD player - I would have suggested a Rega Apollo-R or Apollo as a warmer and more fluid sounding alternative, but they aren't in plentiful supply, and Rega discontinued it (and the Brio amp) last year.
Anyone has compared these CD players?

I have had the 6005 for 10 years and have always felt like it was a perfectly good CD player, but I have since upgraded all other components in my set-up and have been pondering whether to change.

I have seen the other two players listed on sale (around the £400 mark) and wonder if they would be an improvement over the CD6005?
I've owned both the PM/CD6004 and the Pearl Lite pair, wasn't a huge amount in it really, except the Pearl Lite CDP can play SACD. Actually, still got the Pearl Lites... must get around to selling them 🙂
Anyone has compared these CD players?

I have had the 6005 for 10 years and have always felt like it was a perfectly good CD player, but I have since upgraded all other components in my set-up and have been pondering whether to change.

I have seen the other two players listed on sale (around the £400 mark) and wonder if they would be an improvement over the CD6005?

The CD6005 is already a solid performer, offering a smooth, warm sound that Marantz is known for. The SA8005 is part of Marantz's higher-end line and features better components overall, which typically results in a cleaner, more detailed sound, especially at higher volumes. The SA8005 offers more advanced features, such as Super Audio CDs
and a higher-quality headphone amplifier.

If you are looking for better sound quality, and premium build quality, and you are willing to invest more, then upgrading to the Marantz SA8005 can be worthwhile. If you are happy with the performance of the CD6005, and you're mainly using it for casual listening, the CD6005 still offers great value for money. I actually used my CD6005 as a transport connected to a Rega Dac with the Marantz PM8005!
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The CD6005 is already a solid performer, offering a smooth, warm sound that Marantz is known for. The SA8005 is part of Marantz's higher-end line and features better components overall, which typically results in a cleaner, more detailed sound, especially at higher volumes. The SA8005 offers more advanced features, such as Super Audio CDs
and a higher-quality headphone amplifier.

If you are looking for better sound quality, and premium build quality, and you are willing to invest more, then upgrading to the Marantz SA8005 can be worthwhile. If you are happy with the performance of the CD6005, and you're mainly using it for casual listening, the CD6005 still offers great value for money. I actually used my CD6005 as a transport connected to a Rega Dac with the Marantz PM8005!
Thanks for that! Great points.

I am satisfied, and CD playback is probably 10-20% max of my overall playback, as I mainly play vinyl or stream. So I could just leave it as it is for the moment...

I have thought about about SACD a bit but I don't really own any and in general buying new CDs leaves me pretty cold (I have no problem spending half my salary on records, on the other hand haha). And it doesn't seem there's that many around. I read a few threads on them, and I saw some people saying there's not that much in it - which is probably why it never took off?

DAC-wise, I am not sure. I thought about it but it seems the DAC of my Wiim Pro Plus is pretty decent, from what I read.
The Marantz SA14S1Se wil knock the socks off your cd player if you can find it second hand. I found the SA8005 a bit dull and shut in but others seem to rate it. I haven't tried the Pearls,

As an alternative try a good outboard DAC eg Denafrips
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I'd take the SA8005 anyday. Used to have its' predecessor in the SA-7001KI back in 2007 and it was a terrific player. SACD was a bonus, so if you've any of those, then you're in. Only thing to bear in mind might be the loading time for the Marantz 8005 (I used to have the 7007 Blu Ray player and it was dire, but that can be an issue with some universal players, but was also the reason I ditched it for the Cambridge 752BD).
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I was exactly on the same boat somewhat 10 years ago . Sold my 6005 and bought SA8005 (there is an unboxing video on YouTube too of that) unless you are going to be playing SACD I don’t think you it will worth the hassle. I sold my 8005 last Sunday actually. I maily use streaming services now.
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I have the SA8005 and used to have the 6004. The SA8005 is a big step up in quality in my view. Mine is 10 years old now and is still producing great sounding music. (I mainly listen to classical music.)

As for SADC versus CD, to be frank the difference is minimal.
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The Marantz SA14S1Se wil knock the socks off your cd player if you can find it second hand. I found the SA8005 a bit dull and shut in but others seem to rate it. I haven't tried the Pearls,

As an alternative try a good outboard DAC eg Denafrips
Ha. Too deep. I have custom built floating shelves which are 400mm deep - all the reference and newer series Marantz are 430mm or thereabouts 🙄
I'd take the SA8005 anyday. Used to have its' predecessor in the SA-7001KI back in 2007 and it was a terrific player. SACD was a bonus, so if you've any of those, then you're in. Only thing to bear in mind might be the loading time for the Marantz 8005 (I used to have the 7007 Blu Ray player and it was dire, but that can be an issue with some universal players, but was also the reason I ditched it for the Cambridge 752BD).
Ha. Well my amp is a vintage 7200 - I actually thought about buying one the 7000 series CD players!
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Buy the newest you can afford. Unlike amps CD players have bits that wear out....

Not completely convinced by that - to some extent anyway. My current CDP is the Sony CDP-911E which you'll get for about £100 or less, often for a mint one. It's just over 30 years old and was out around the time of the Marantz CD52 / 52MkII. The latter got all the plaudits, but the Sony is by far the better player (and was similar money back in the early 90s). Plays a treat, and spare parts if I ever need them will be plentiful. On the other hand, I might just buy another!

My Kenwood DP-990SG has a problem with opening the CD tray as it won't shift when you hit the "open" button. Bit of a hassle. Might ditch it, but it's such a great player (and now 37 years old). The other one I have currently is a mint Pioneer PD-8700. Decent player. Not up with the others, but very good.

So yes, you can end up with a pup, but at the same time, my own experience has been very positive and there's some really great older players out there. Bit more character to them than many of the modern designs too.
Buy the newest you can afford. Unlike amps CD players have bits that wear out....
Yeah. That was a bit of a silly idea.

But have been reconsidering things - in view of my very light CD usage. I am now thinking again about a phono stage Tried the Rega Fono MM for a week or so (ex demo so already "burned in"). Good but didn't feel it was a substantial upgrade over the Technics SL1500C or the Marantz built in ones...

Priorities. Phono, later on maybe amp. CD is actually at the bottom of the list.
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Yeah. That was a bit of a silly idea.

But have been reconsidering things - in view of my very light CD usage. I am now thinking again about a phono stage Tried the Rega Fono MM for a week or so (ex demo so already "burned in"). Good but didn't feel it was a substantial upgrade over the Technics SL1500C or the Marantz built in ones...

Priorities. Phono, later on maybe amp. CD is actually at the bottom of the list.
ime a cheap cd player will always outperform a cheap record player
This maybe your opinion but if you want to listen to an overly compressed CD on a cheap player you might as well stick to a mp3 player
It all depends on the quality of the media you feed said device device.
Is that poorly "home recorded" CDs as opposed to official realeses with compressed mastering?
Official releases. You will be surprised by the number there are
OK so a better player would get more out of it? I would have thought that once on disc, that's what it is, unless you remastered it, you wouldn't get more. Actually thinking back, that would work for home made CDs as well...


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