Feral said:
Are you comfortable with PC components and messing around inside the box? Asking because some of the tweaks are easy but if you are not comfortable messing around then it can be a bit daunting and you might be better getting something built to spec. The old adage of beware of overspeccing applies but there are plenty of good companies that can build and over lock for you like Scan, overclockers.co.uk (my current water cooled rig). Worth having a play as you would be surprised how easy it is and you can upgrade parts yourself much cheaper than getting someone to do it for you. For example, I took the bluray drive from my broken vaio laptop and installed that in my rig to back up by bluray collection.
btw I've raised a query with pavetube to see if they have a way of keeping the lossless audio with H.265 video compression. The h.265 files are .mp4 extension but the shield plays pretty much anything you can throw at it. I'll share their reply once I get it.
i got a reply from pavtube and then had to reinstall latest version and try again. After which I think they misunderstood the question but hey. Anyway, I am ripping several versions of the man from uncle. The title sequence and WB logo are really good at showing artifacts with very fine lines in the news print rotating which appear as jagged lines in a poor video copy.
1 uncompressed video and trueHD
2 compressed video high quality and uncompressed trueHD
3 compressed h.264 video original quality and AC3 audio 320kbs 5.1 surround
4 compressed h.265 video original quality and AC3 audio 320kbs 5.1 surround
i'll share the file sizes in a bit and need to check them side by side in SPMC on the shield but what I am looking for is lossless audio with original quality h.265 video encoding to bring the size down. This is the current ticket I have raised with pavtube but I'd like option 2 at original quality video as a compromise.