Best speakers for 200 british pounds


New member
Apr 1, 2013
Good day everyone! I was wondering if there are suggestions for the best speakers (either passive or active) that can be bought for 300 british pounds? I'm planning to use it as a nearfield monitor for my computer. My audio preferences lean towards folk, acoustic, alternative-type music, with a preference for male voices and guitar music. Hope I could hear from a variety of people! Thanks!

the record spot

Yamaha HS50M actives, or KRK Rokit 5, also active.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Well although I dont know much myself, I posted a similar question and i heard a lot about the B&W DM600 series and the Tannoy Revolutions R2 speakers. That is of course if you're intending on buying second hand which in my opinion for most things is the best value for money option!


Well-known member
Mabye Adam's new F5

I think the Yamaha HS50M need a bit more bass and the upper midrange/lower treble can agressiv, the krk's are god but the need something in the bass to, beacuse there is a subsonic filter a 45 hz where it sometimes sound's as if the bas is not deep enough or a bit unprecise. I bought the krk's over the Yamahas (now using a denon DRA-F109 and dali zensor 1 great little speakers) .

Theres a reason why so extreme many recording studios are using NS-10M (passive),they don't sound good but can you mix the music so it sounds good on those speakers, it will sound good on any system/speaker, HS50M are the closest you can come to get new NS-10M, they are just active where the NS-10M is passive.

For precise mixing the yamahas, only for listening to music the krk's which are good for moderne bas,electronic music


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2007
gasolin said:
matthewpiano said:
I'd suggest the Focal XS Book. Should be perfect for your requirements.

They are hifi speakers not monitors, thats like surgesting cerwin vegas hifi speakers for pa, not good enough

I read the OP's use of the word 'monitor' as a rather loose one. I don't get the impression the OP is planning on using the speakers to monitor anything, rather that he wants to be able to listen to music in good quality and close-up when at the computer. If this is the case something like the Focals are ideal. If I've misunderstood the OP's requirements then yes, I agree with you.


Well-known member
matthewpiano said:
PS Describing Cerwin Vegas as 'hi-fi speakers' is being a bit liberal...

The cerwin vegas ve and xls are what i call hifi speakers and pa speakers are there p-series if you want small speakers or else the Yamahas HS50M lowering the midrange 2 db it would be more neutral and +2 db it would sound more then the HS-10M which has a upper midrange that is enhanced