Mabye Adam's new F5
I think the Yamaha HS50M need a bit more bass and the upper midrange/lower treble can agressiv, the krk's are god but the need something in the bass to, beacuse there is a subsonic filter a 45 hz where it sometimes sound's as if the bas is not deep enough or a bit unprecise. I bought the krk's over the Yamahas (now using a denon DRA-F109 and dali zensor 1 great little speakers) .
Theres a reason why so extreme many recording studios are using NS-10M (passive),they don't sound good but can you mix the music so it sounds good on those speakers, it will sound good on any system/speaker, HS50M are the closest you can come to get new NS-10M, they are just active where the NS-10M is passive.
For precise mixing the yamahas, only for listening to music the krk's which are good for moderne bas,electronic music