Question Best CD player and amplifier for Monitor Audio Pl500 II


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Jul 22, 2022
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Hi guys, need some help. Here I have a Roksan Caspian M2 series player and 2 amplifiers and appr 10 y.o Monitor Audio Platinum floor speakers. And I am really satisfied with the rich and emotional sound they are delivering.
Now there is an opportunity to buy Platinum 500 II series MA speakers and I am looking for a cd player and amplifier that can be paired with them. Roksan still seems like a good choice, but may be I can step up and choose something with even better sound and level?
Looking for something with rich, soft and emotional sound with a lot of details. Not interested in good quality but sterile sound. Please give me some ideas what to look at! Luxman? T+A? I do not know where to start… Mainly listen to jazz, old rock and classic music.
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Hi, and welcome!

You mention ‘2 amplifiers’. Do you mean the matching Caspian M2, because if so that would be quite ok with your intended upgrade?

Alternatively, the Luxman you mention is a wonderful amp, at a pretty rich price. However, changing two major components at once can cause problems in that you’re unsure which is doing what to the sound. Typically, checking the new speakers work ok in your room is a first step. Then second, consider what a better amp might bring to the party.

What size room do you have (lxwxh) and current amp? Do you only play CD or might you be interested in streaming? Have you a friendly dealer who could help?
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Jul 22, 2022
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You mention ‘2 amplifiers’. Do you mean the matching Caspian M2, because if so that would be quite ok with your intended upgrade?
Thank you for your answer! Yes, now I have 2 matching M2-s. What I was thinking that I can completely upgrade change all at once and get a new complect. The old one will move to another apartment.


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Jul 22, 2022
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As @nopiano says, however some idea as to your budget for this upgrade might help.
assume you are looking to replace both CD player and amplifier?
Not unlimited, but still promising budget, i mean that it can be more expensive than Roksan. And yes, i would like to replace both cd player and amplifier.


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Jul 22, 2022
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If you want matching kit, then Primare, Marantz and Denon* make excellent CD players and amplifiers that match beautifully too. They’re typically £5-6k for the pair, though less if you shop around.
*(I’m thinking 35 series, Model 30, and Anniversary 110 models respectively)
Thank you for you suggestions!
My budget is not limitless, but it can be up to 20-30k for matching pair.
With that sort of budget, you need to find the nearest high end dealers and listen/decide for yourself. And nearest might not be particularly near - sales in that price range are small, so don't support a large dealer network. Might be best to say roughly where you are and see if anyone can recommend a dealer, rather than a product.
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Jul 22, 2022
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20-30k what????
Dollars, pounds, Euros?
Whatever, those that @nopiano recommended are a good place to start depend on what you can actually audition in your part of the world
Euros. In my part of the world (The Baltics) the choice is pretty limited, but I travel a lot. My problem is that I have used this Roksan/Monitor Audio set for so many years, I do not know where to star searching again. For example, I tried an Esoteric amplifer and it was not what I expected at all. I want to get very juicy, rich sound with a lot of details.


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Feb 3, 2022
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like your suggestion, and envy your kit apart from the LP12, however it might be very tricky to audition this manufacturer be here the OP is.
That's just a guess by the way.....

The LP12 has a following but most don't like it for various reasons. It's still rated as a grade "A" component fully loaded by the glossy stereo mags.
The LP12 has a following but most don't like it for various reasons. It's still rated as a grade "A" component fully loaded by the glossy stereo mags.
wasn't having a go, just not my cup of tea and the original table really did need some of those expensive upgrades to bring it into contention.
It seemed to be produced purely on the understanding that money could be made on selling 'upgrade ' kit ad infinitum........
My opinion only you understand....
Thought you would have been a VPI man,T

apologies to the OP for going a bit off track.
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