Ashley James:
I have to admit we are very wary indeed of giving ADM9.1s to What Hi Fi
for review yet. They did review the ADM9s and gave them five stars, but
missed the point completely by not using them with an Apple Computer as
we'd suggested and Simon appeared to agree to. You don't need a hi fi
system at all and a CD player simply doesn't have the functionality of
Apple's superior interface not to mention all the other benefits;
Internet radio stations, downloadable TV programs, Movies, your photos,
24 bit reference recordings, the list is almost endless and increases
This is a product of the future and its benefits need to be completely
understood and explained so people understand and for a review to be
There seems to be a deliberate separation of computers and hi fi in
magazines which is the complete opposite of what's happening in
people's homes. The vast majority of our customers are getting rid of
extremely expensive systems to buy ADM9.1s, and still reporting an
improvement too!
We experience all sorts of resistance from Dealers who don't want more
for less! Also many customers prefer not to visit traditional hi fi
dealers now. As one distinguished Anaesthetist wrote "thank you for
recommending dealer X, but I don't want attitude, I have more than
enough to contend with at home!"
Drummerman accepted an invitation to our factory that is open to
everyone with a serious interest (including WHF who really need to) for
lunch and to listen. People come from all over the world to see us and
I'm demonstrating almost every day. Almost every one becomes a sale,
but believe it or not 90% of sales are made without hearing them and
all are delighted!
Computer magazines outsell Hi Fi mags by a huge margin and with TV,
Computers and hi fi merging very quickly and this factor needs to be
better represented.
Happy to come up, Ashley - just never been asked before now. Please email me at the usual address and we'll sort it out.
And as someone who spent eight years working on computer magazines, I think I might understand the concept of convergence.