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Desperate - how? Just a perfectly civil question to Ashley, which I feel warrants an equally straightforward answer.

And yes, we could buy them, but shouldn't have to - if a manufacturer is so proud of their products, surely they're confident enough to have them tested (especially as we loved the original ADM9s).

I'd also rather use our kit-buying budget for more mainstream products far more of our readers are interested in.

And i'm not sure what you mean by 'ethos'? If it makes a sound or shows a picture, it's pretty much in our testing remit these days! We've got a Group Test of Active Speakers in our new issue out this Thursday, for example.
Clare Newsome:
Desperate - how? Just a perfectly civil question to Ashley, which I feel warrants an equally straightforward answer.

And yes, we could buy them, but shouldn't have to - if a manufacturer is so proud of their products, surely they're confident enough to have them tested (especially as we loved the original ADM9s).

I'd also rather use our kit-buying budget for more mainstream products far more of our readers are interested in.

And i'm not sure what you mean by 'ethos'? If it makes a sound or shows a picture, it's pretty much in our testing remit these days! We've got a Group Test of Active Speakers in our new issue out this Thursday, for example.

perhaps ethos was the wrong word, im not having a "good english" day, as you can see. but i distinctly remember a post from you a while ago in which you said that availability was very much a concern. it may have been in the mag actually (sorry, wish i could be more specific but do'nt have time to search just now).

i just think it looks as tho you're trying to make yourselves look great to the unnecasary detriment of others. it doesnt look classy, and, weirdly, doesnt make you look confident in youre place in the market (god knows you should be), nor very respectful of your readers.

Anyway, i beg to differ. just think its really smug and unnecasary.
Must admit, it would be interesting to read a review of these. Out of my league too, but if the manufacturer can step up to the plate and state with what appears to be some degree of confidence in their product, is it really too much to ask for a review sample to be stuck in a taxi....?

Understand where you're coming from, but think it's a bit unfair, if you bear in mind the usual tone of conversations here - it was a straightforward request, which appears to have been blithely ignored. If I were Ashley, and believed in my product as much as he does, I'd be driving a pair to Teddington myself (he can pop a pair round to my house at the same time - I mean if you can demo them to drummerman...........)

Andrew Everard:You do read some very strange things into some comments on this forum, don't you?

No, not at all. You simply misunderstood me in that other thread.

in this case, im not reading anything into it really. i just think it looks bad. you, and many others, im sure, disagree.
JohnDuncan:Understand where you're coming from, but think it's a bit unfair, if you bear in mind the usual tone of conversations here - it was a straightforward request, which appears to have been blithely ignored. If I were Ashley, and believed in my product as much as he does, I'd be driving a pair to Teddington myself (he can pop a pair round to my house at the same time - I mean if you can demo them to drummerman...........)

... nasty little man
We're all on the same side, aren't we? What I'd like to know is: what is the relationship between Ashley and drummerman? They must know each other pretty well - well enough to envite a forum member for a personal demo. If so, then, from what I've read, drummerman is helping to promote that product.

Sorry, but the whole thing sounds a bit fishy. Unless I've got the wrong end of the stick?!
JoelSim:Solomon1:JoelSim:I think that it's fine that people have strong opinions, especially about their own kit. After all that's why we're all here. I just think it's a bit too much when someone blatantly uses the forum to get across commercial messages to people who are requesting advice.

Joel, please calm down. For someone working in advertising, you sure have a chip on your shoulder when strong advertising language is used outside it's designated advertising space. If you're so concerned with our clear judgement, why not tell us of some insider marketing techniques and tactics...I think it would make an informing and entertaining read.
Personally, I can heartily recommend the following documentary: The century of the self.

Yes I must be one of the only ethical people in the business!

D**n, so you're the one. Will be thinking about you when I see that ethically responsible advertising popping up once a year.
JohnDuncan:31-33 High Street
TW11 8ET

cool. not sure i believe you tho, so im on my way.

and you're right about couscous.
Clare Newsome:
Desperate - how? Just a perfectly civil question to Ashley, which I feel warrants an equally straightforward answer.
And yes, we could buy them, but shouldn't have to - if a manufacturer is so proud of their products, surely they're confident enough to have them tested (especially as we loved the original ADM9s).

I think you scared him away, Clare, with your direct approach. Everybody knows, that when love gets into the equation, you don't want to rush things. ;-) Anyway, I too begin wondering where for P***s sake Mr Ashley James is and why he isn't jumping at the opportunity (I would!)
plastic penguin:
timwileman:couscous may be wrong but apples are good for you 🙂

Cous-cous is totally right. It helps to cook it first. . . .

it might be ok if you had apples as well 🙂
al7478:nor very respectful of your readers.

Anyway, i beg to differ. just think its really smug and unnecasary.

I am still genuinely bewildered as to how repeatedly asking a manufacturer for a review sample is in any way 'wrong'. It's what we do every day, with every company, just not typically publically - but then it's not typical for a manufacturer to be up here so publically, either.

I also fail to see how it's being disrespectful to our readership to want to review as many products as possible - particularly a product that's generating so much debate. Surely we'd be disrespectful if we were ignoring it?
I have to admit we are very wary indeed of giving ADM9.1s to What Hi Fi for review yet. They did review the ADM9s and gave them five stars, but missed the point completely by not using them with an Apple Computer as we'd suggested and Simon appeared to agree to. You don't need a hi fi system at all and a CD player simply doesn't have the functionality of Apple's superior interface not to mention all the other benefits; Internet radio stations, downloadable TV programs, Movies, your photos, 24 bit reference recordings, the list is almost endless and increases daily!

This is a product of the future and its benefits need to be completely understood and explained so people understand and for a review to be useful.

There seems to be a deliberate separation of computers and hi fi in magazines which is the complete opposite of what's happening in people's homes. The vast majority of our customers are getting rid of extremely expensive systems to buy ADM9.1s, and still reporting an improvement too!

We experience all sorts of resistance from Dealers who don't want more for less! Also many customers prefer not to visit traditional hi fi dealers now. As one distinguished Anaesthetist wrote "thank you for recommending dealer X, but I don't want attitude, I have more than enough to contend with at home!"

Drummerman accepted an invitation to our factory that is open to everyone with a serious interest (including WHF who really need to) for lunch and to listen. People come from all over the world to see us and I'm demonstrating almost every day. Almost every one becomes a sale, but believe it or not 90% of sales are made without hearing them and all are delighted!

Computer magazines outsell Hi Fi mags by a huge margin and with TV, Computers and hi fi merging very quickly and this factor needs to be better represented.



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