Andrew Everard:
al7478:Yeah, but some would say it is evidence based 😉
Now, about our banter a couple of pages ag:
im geting pretty sick of doing this, but strongly believe in it when necassary, and here it is necassary.
on reflection, i think you're rght in your last reply, and i apologise. i obviously got out the wrong side of bed. again.
Andrew - i havent re-red that other thread again, but i think somewhere we were at cross purposes, and on some points we simply disagree. I'm not sure you did actually missunderstand me in quite the way i had in mind earlier, either. However, if i can clarify any of my views on that one, id be glad to do so.
if, however, you "aint bovvered", thats fine by me. itll spare me the effort lol!
I don't think I have the foggiest what this post is about.
um...well...thanks for making the effort.
a couple pages back you mentioned my reading things into things a lot lately. because you said the same in another thread. you are hinting at a trend that doesnt exist. in this thread, as ive said, i was wrong. in that one, i thiunk im right, tho ill eat humble pie if necassary.
now, i know you had that other thread in mind when making your earlier comments in this one, as do you.
i was just making an attempt to be concilliatory. Whatever.