...Acoustical treatment of your room is one of the biggest differences between a pro studio and a living room.
...I imagine outside hopelessly crud speakers, the difference between hi-fi and studio is purely marketing.
...one measurement, i.e. frequency response graph, is not really a great indication of how the speaker will actually 'sound' (nor perform). You can put many different brands of speakers up side by side, all with 'flat'ish' frq response 'charts' and they will all sound very different. The voicings will be the most
audible difference and that isn't really reflected in freq measurements.
...My Totem Acoustic home stereo speakers have better Focal drivers than, I believe, any production studio monitor. And they sound better. And they're NOT flat.
I mix on KRK and Genelec and others, but then I listen for enjoyment on my Totems and Magnepans.
I would say, subjectively, that my home stereo sounds twice as good as my studio monitoring setup. Studio monitors tend to be built "to a price" moreso than audiophile home theater products. And studio monitors need to be a bit more rugged (which can compromise fidelity) to be able to take abuse (wayward self-oscillating filters, etc.) that is not an issue in home stereo.