Arcam or Creek


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Hi, looking for some views on the above

seen a few posts on here about arcam and creek working well with quad speakers, just wondering if anyone has had any experience with either with quad speakers

any suggestions or advice appreciated


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Sep 6, 2007
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I heard the Arcam A28 and NAD C355BEE integrated amps with both the QUAD 12L2's and the 22L2's

CDP was a Rega Apollo and the NAD C545BEE

Soundstage with both was superb; the 22L2's go very deep! The Arcam was a smoother sound whereas the NAD was very punchy indeed

Arcam A28 sounded better with the 12L2's whereas the NAD sounded better with 22L2's


Hi thanks for that, NAD is a good amp but not 100% happy with the sound, just feel the bass is too over bearing for me....looking for something that won't sound as boomy.....someone recomeded the Arcam A80 or A85 before, seen a A80 on fleabay for £249, assuming thats a decent price for this amp


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Noooo... Stay away from the A80, the A85 is a superb amp but the rest let the side down unfortunately. Ifyore ok with 2nd hand the Arcam Alpha 10 would be a good choice but the NAD C355BEE is a toneally fifferent sound to the C326BEE.

The Rotel RA06SE may be worth looking at as well as the RA1520 but it depends on you're budget.


i knew there was areason to askabout first

theres one hifi dealeraround were i stay and stocks bad and arcam, tho he has reputation for hiking up prices.....think will go see if i can get a demo arranged

how would you tate the 355 against the 326?


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The NAD C355BEE is a better amp than the C326BEE but they are still both good.

Just because the NAD C355BEE can be bought fairly cheap now doesnt mean its a bad amp; thats just the market for you!

The C355BEE is tonally different; still has poweful bass but it's not as 'in your face' as the C326BEE can be; it's more refined but still punchy and taut and has great depth which QUAD speakers lap up

The Arcam A85 amp is superb and is a very similar sound to the NAD C355BEE IMO but a little more detailed in the midrange but thats it.

The Arcam Alpha 10 integrated amp again is superb and similar to the A85 but with a bit more smoothness but bags of power!

I fell in love with the QUAD 22L2's and they were just pipped by the M/A RX6's mainly due to the overall soundstage being that bit better with the NAD but also the price that the dealer offered me!

The QUAD 12L2's were very good as well but I did prefer the M/A RX2's over the QUAD's as they handled my taste in music better

Dont discount the RX2's if you can help it; they really are that good

Hi, looking for some views on the above

seen a few posts on here about arcam and creek working well with quad speakers, just wondering if anyone has had any experience with either with quad speakers

any suggestions or advice appreciated

The Creek Evo is very impressive amp. I've not heard the Quad speakers for years, much less with Creek or Arcam, however, Quad do exhibit similar sonic qualities to MA. I would suggest, therefore, a demo - home or shop - and discover for yourself which amp really rings the bell with the Quads.

Creek and Arcam DIVA are both neutral amps, so if one sounds good then the other should be the same. It's a matter of design and the subtle traits each amp has. The Arcs to avoid, like dan said, is the A80, A75 and A90. The A65+ tonally, and detail-wise would be the ideal amp, however, at 40 watts, not sure whether it'll have enough punch to drive the fairly demanding Quads.


cheers guys, few options to think about, gonna speak to the local dealer near me see if i can get some demoes with the NAD 355 and Arcam, doesn't have the MA's in stock tho


The nearest place i can think of would probably be aberdeen, i live north of Inverness so not ideal


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May 7, 2010
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Dazzler can I ask, what do you think of the CA 650C? and how well do the CA > Nad pair sound?

You might want to also think about the Yamaha AS700 as it might not be so bass heavy as the Nad and perhaps calmer. I heard it a while ago and can't remember what it was like! Probably not for the Quads, although it has plenty of power.


Hi Blackdawn, i really like the CA650, its my 2nd cd player i have ever bought since first getting seperates so not had a lot to compare it to but does the job nicely for me.....CD's came more to life than my older sony CDP, then got the NAD amp, is a cracking amp but the bass just doesn't click with me sounds bit over bearing to my tastes, great on stuff thats not to bass heavy (to me) good detail, mids are clear and well presented, doesn't sound harsh on top end either......sorry not the most detailed analysis but not really up on most hifi terminology

Still got my old CA 540v1 and prefere my current setup over the 540 playing on my cd and speakers

Hi, looking for some views on the above

seen a few posts on here about arcam and creek working well with quad speakers, just wondering if anyone has had any experience with either with quad speakers

any suggestions or advice appreciated

How often do you listen to your h-fi? For an instant impact (full fat variety) then the Nad is th automatic choice. If, however, you enjoy long listening sessions then Arcam or Creek Evo would be a better choice.


I listen to music about 2 - 3 hours a night, weekends at least double that prob about 6 hours


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plastic penguin:Dazzler123:

Hi, looking for some views on the above

seen a few posts on here about arcam and creek working well with quad speakers, just wondering if anyone has had any experience with either with quad speakers

any suggestions or advice appreciated

How often do you listen to your h-fi? For an instant impact (full fat variety) then the Nad is th automatic choice. If, however, you enjoy long listening sessions then Arcam or Creek Evo would be a better choice.

Dont agree with that at all...

Having owned the Arcam range from the Arcam Alpha 5 amp and 6 CDP right through to the Alpha 10 and the A85 integrated amps as well as the CD72/CD73 CDPs as well as lots of NAD gear raning from the old 3020 to the C320BEE and now the C355BEE via the C352 as well as various NAD CDP's; I think that both NAD and Arcam with the right speakers and CDP combo will do very well for long listening sessions full stop.

Unfortunately having only heard the Creek EvoII briefly as it was someone elses demo; I cant say whether it's good or bad for long listening sessions.

People seem to think that NAD offers a cheap or too bass ridden sound; it doesnt! The NAD C355BEE for me comes very close to the Arcam Alpha 10 sound whereas the C545BEE CDP is very simnilar to the Rega Apollo sound.


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Yes PP but that's for YOUR taste and not the OPs... Also the A65 Amp is bass shy compared to the A85, Alpha 10 and the Nad C355BEE... It's still not over bearing bass though unless you want it to be!


i find my nad very bassy , which i like , most of the time , i just might prefer a slightly leaner sound though . im planning to demo a roksan candy in the next few weeks , with my own speakers , it will be interesting to see how they compare...
maxflinn:i find my nad very bassy , which i like , most of the time , i just might prefer a slightly leaner sound though . im planning to demo a roksan candy in the next few weeks , with my own speakers , it will be interesting to see how they compare...

The kandy is as deep but better defined. The detail is superb.


plastic penguin:
maxflinn:i find my nad very bassy , which i like , most of the time , i just might prefer a slightly leaner sound though . im planning to demo a roksan candy in the next few weeks , with my own speakers , it will be interesting to see how they compare...

The kandy is as deep but better defined. The detail is superb.
yes so i believe pp , as i say , ill be taking my rx6s with me to munstersounds over the next few weeks/months ,to try out several different amps , the next one i buy will be around for a long time , so i want to make sure im very happy with it before parting with my cash ...


Thats what im lookIng for, something a bit leaner, NAD is good but after a While listening the bass puts me off
Dazzler123:Thats what im lookIng for, something a bit leaner, NAD is good but after a While listening the bass puts me off

Then Creek Evo is the kiddie. It has good bass extension and wonderfully detailed - very well balanced, and it'll drive the Quads without problem.



Just like to say thanks for all the advice, took the plunge this afternoon and ordered the Creek Evo 2, can't wait to get it now



Just like to say thanks for all the advice, took the plunge this afternoon and ordered the Creek Evo 2, can't wait to get it now


Evo 2 is also on my list of amps to audition. Will be very interested to hear your comments once its settled in with you.