Arcam A90-CD192 or CA 740A-740C ?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am thinking on moving my Arcam SOLO from the office to the bedroom. So, I’m gonna have to buy a new system for the office. I’m very pleased with the SOLO, it’s very sweet sounding with the B&W 685 speakers. But since I’m in the market again I think I should have something better. I’ve been looking very much at the CA couple, but lately to the Arcam couple also. The CA is getting 5star reviews everywhere in Europe and Arcam is acknowledged mainly for the SOLO. From what I’ve read so far I think the CA will be sounding clinical and colourless, and I expect the Arcams to sound even better than the SOLO. Should I look at something else (the Creek EVO) also? Maybe all these are ‘too much’ for my B&W685 speakers? (I am not thinking of changing speakers) I need some help please. Thanks.
I wouldnt bother with the Arcam A90, its powerful but gutless. Sounds a little too clinical and the bass seriously lacks. If you're looking at an Arcam amp to partner with the excellent CD192 then i'd look at the Arcam FMJ A32 amp which is wonderful and you can get some good deals on them currently (on Ebay also). There has been a couple of posts on the amp recently on here!

The Cyrus 6v2 and 8v2 amps would be very good with the B&W's as well. I've auditioned both and they were superb.
or look for a second hand Arcam A85, which will love your B&Ws.
[quote user="Mr_Orange"]or look for a second hand Arcam A85, which will love your B&Ws.[/quote]

You think?
So the A90 will love my B&W s too...
But would it be too much for them?
The Arcam A85 will drive your B&W 685's better than the A90.

As i said above the A90 sounds hollow and gutless but it has plenty of power, just no bass weight and the midrange is a little off.

The A85 has much more bass weight and a smooth midrange. You could also look to partner the A85 with the P85 at a later date, you can usually find good examples on Ebay.

The B&W 685's really sing when bi-amped
Arcam A32! AWSOME! Get one for £800 on ebay BUY-IT-NOW! I have one with CD73 and Wharfedale EVO2 30s and it is superb!
I would definitely go for the Arcam pairing over CA. It will also sound much better than your Solo. Use the 685s in your bedroom and get some better speakers for your main room.
[quote user="JoelSim"]I would definitely go for the Arcam pairing over CA. It will also sound much better than your Solo. Use the 685s in your bedroom and get some better speakers for your main room.[/quote]

That's not possible. The bedroom speakers are on Vogels mounts, too small for the B&Ws.
Besides I don't want to change everything. I just want a decent sound in the bedroom and something better than the SOLO for the office (since I'm gonna have something new)...
[quote user="vasada"][quote user="Mr_Orange"]or look for a second hand Arcam A85, which will love your B&Ws.[/quote]

You think?
So the A90 will love my B&W s too...
But would it be too much for them?[/quote]

Yep. The A85 is considered to be the better amp. A legend of its time.
[quote user="Mr_Orange"][quote user="vasada"][quote user="Mr_Orange"]or look for a second hand Arcam A85, which will love your B&Ws.[/quote]

You think?
So the A90 will love my B&W s too...
But would it be too much for them?[/quote]

Yep. The A85 is considered to be the better amp. A legend of its time.[/quote]

What if I don't want to get a second hand?

What if I want to buy new stuff?

The A90 is really that bad?
Should I look at Creek Evo or Marantz?
Creek is good and would be a good'ish partner with the B&W 685's.

I'd avoid Marantz pairing with B&W's, dont sound good at all, too clinical and hollow.

Stick to Arcam if you can
[quote user="d_a_n1979"]Creek is good and would be a good'ish partner with the B&W 685's.

I'd avoid Marantz pairing with B&W's, dont sound good at all, too clinical and hollow.

Stick to Arcam if you can[/quote]

Since the day the SOLO came in the house, I'm very close to becoming an ARCAM fan.
I am looking for an upgrade here (since I know that the SOLO is a CD73 and an A70 amp).
So, I was looking at A90-CD192, they are next model up, in the range.

As for the CA, they look attractive to me, but I think too much of electronics in an Amp, is too much and too risky I think. I ve read complaints about CA amps doing weird things. And I expect the CA couple to sound a bit clinical.

Has anyone heard the Pioneer A9-J? How does it sound like?
Going to C/A or Pioneer away from Arcam is like going from a good strong Blue Stilton to tangy/fruit Wenslydale.

The difference are so much that it'd be hard to compare the sounds!

You really have only had experience of the Solo and you like that. The A70 amp was good and the CD73 is still very good but the other Arcam seperates such as the A85/P85 combo, the Arcam Alpha 10 integrated and 10P power amp combo, the Arcam FMJA32 integrated amp etc will all blow away the competition you have listed so far.

It all depends on how much money you wish to spend as you can get excellent seperates off Ebay at a fraction of the price you'd pay for brand new items.

I have an Arcam Alpha 9 integrated amp and the matching Arcam Alpha 9P power amd matched with Monitor Audio RS6 speakers. I auditioned the speakers with the Arcam A90 amp and it sounded awful. Hollow, bass light and the treble was a little off. As soon as i matched the speakers with my Arcam Alpha 9 integrated amp alone, the difference was so different i thought they must have wired up the A90 wrong, but that wasnt so. It really did sound that poor!

As i said before, the A90 is very powerful but lacks in a lot of areas and didnt get a good write up from the WHF team at all!
[quote user="d_a_n1979"]
Going to C/A or Pioneer away from Arcam is like going from a good strong Blue Stilton to tangy/fruit Wenslydale.

The difference are so much that it'd be hard to compare the sounds!

.....the Arcam FMJA32 integrated amp etc will all blow away the competition you have listed so far.

As i said before, the A90 is very powerful but lacks in a lot of areas and didnt get a good write up from the WHF team at all![/quote]

My English isn't that good so I can understand this Blue Stilton phrase... I am Greek.
Where else could i go from ARCAM then? What should I look?
The room is very small, so I don't need so much power, but I want crystal clear sound. I want to listen to something better than the SOLO. I had the NAD320 - 325CD before the SOLO, and it's a clear big difference between the two. Now I want another clear step forward.
You could maybe consider a Myryad integrated, such as the MXI2150.
I agree with the comments here about the A90 (ewww), though the CD player is good. If you need matching separates for similar prices, consider Primare i21/dc21, the new Naim Nait 5i pair (talics important), which appear to be causing a real storm (hoping to get the amp home this weekend for a trial), Creek Classic pair, Cyrus 8 pair, etc etc.

These deserve better speakers than the B&W though - the Naim pair, for example, would give you a few hundred to upgrade the speakers to AVI Neutron, PMC DB1, Proac Tablette Reference 8........
Well, that is what i was hoping not to do. NOT TO CHANGE SPEAKERS.
I was thinking keeping the B&Ws, and getting better sound by replacing the SOLO. Can't I do that?
Well, I'm coming with an update.

Yesterday I moved my office stuff (SOLO + B&W 685) to the living room where I have Advance Acoustic 305DA II amp (2x100W) and QUAD22L speakers. (Strange I hadn't done this before, but better late than never)
And I swapped things. And I got surprised!!

Well, the QUADs with the ARCAM SOLO sounded pretty much like the B&Ws with the SOLO, only the sound was "bigger", which was expected. (The QUADs are floorstanders)

But, the B&Ws with the ADVANCE, really SING. THEY SING. Great sound, full and clear.
AND I HEAR BASS. I Thought that it was the B&Ws and their new tweeter, that made them a bit "bass shy". Well, there's nothing wrong with the speakers. Now I know. And as the ADVANCE has the same price as an ARCAM A70 amp, it makes me think. And it is more confusing.
Maybe I should reconsider becoming an "ARCAM fan".
What CD player are you using with the Advance Acoustic?

The Solo is a mini system after all, so separates will always have the extra 10%, especially 2 x 100W of power ones.

The CD192 with FMJ A32 will be a totally different propisition of exceedingly high quality. I suspect the CD192 would make your AA 305 and Quads sing even more.
[quote user="JoelSim"]What CD player are you using with the Advance Acoustic?

The Solo is a mini system after all, so separates will always have the extra 10%, especially 2 x 100W of power ones.[/quote]

We aren't talking about a 10% here. There was a HUGE difference. Very clear sound.

And it's not only a matter of power, I didn't turn it up anyway. (I have neighbours.)
It's not a matter of CD player, either.
I'm using a NAD525BEE.

I consider the ARCAM SOLO as a A70amp with a CD73.
So, the amp is same price and the CD is 1/3.

When I tested the NAD against SOLO's integrated player, the NAD was different, not much worst.
What about A80?

It's not listed on ARCAM site, but I found a new boxed, at 550 pounds. How good is this?
[quote user="vasada"][quote user="JoelSim"]What CD player are you using with the Advance Acoustic?

The Solo is a mini system after all, so separates will always have the extra 10%, especially 2 x 100W of power ones.[/quote]

We aren't talking about a 10% here. There was a HUGE difference. Very clear sound.

And it's not only a matter of power, I didn't turn it up anyway. (I have neighbours.)
It's not a matter of CD player, either.
I'm using a NAD525BEE.

I consider the ARCAM SOLO as a A70amp with a CD73.
So, the amp is same price and the CD is 1/3.

When I tested the NAD against SOLO's integrated player, the NAD was different, not much worst.[/quote]

But what did you test the NAD with, which amp?
I'm getting really confused here. Which CD player did you test with your amp?

What is the Solo's integrated player?

The Solo is the solo which is a CD/Amp in one box (with a tuner).

A separates system is your amp and another CD player.

What are you testing? Part of the Solo with other separates?
If you are testing your NAD with your AA amp, and the Solo is better than that sound then it shows how good the Solo is. If you tested your amp with another CD and it sounds amazing then it shows the value of separates.

I'm really confused


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