Amp for MA RX1

Jonathan Cox

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Will soon be looking to improve from my Marantz PM66 as I've read that, unlike most MA stuff, rx1 can be a bit too laid back and need a more energetic amp. Also they really thrive with higher quality amps. Given this and an absolute max budget of £600, what should I short list? My ideas are Rotel (RA10 or RA1062), Rega Brio R or something from Creek or Exposure. I listen to mostly rock and metal, but love live stuff of any genre aswell. Am I on the right track, or somewhere in a nearby field?! Ta.
If ypu can find an ex-demo Marantz Pearl Lite, I found that to be a great partner to the RX1 for metal and rock- from APC through to Lamb of God to Meshuggah. Plus, you have plenty of scope for upgrading speakers with the amp.
Jonathan Cox said:
Will soon be looking to improve from my Marantz PM66 as I've read that, unlike most MA stuff, rx1 can be a bit too laid back and need a more energetic amp. Also they really thrive with higher quality amps. Given this and an absolute max budget of £600, what should I short list? My ideas are Rotel (RA10 or RA1062), Rega Brio R or something from Creek or Exposure. I listen to mostly rock and metal, but love live stuff of any genre aswell. Am I on the right track, or somewhere in a nearby field?! Ta.

For rock Exposure has always produced. Think auditioning is a must to see which make best suits your taste and room acoustics.

The makes you mention are fine, certain one will hit the mark. But if you can extend your budget slightly, look at Roksan Kandy K2. Now they've produced the new Blue Tooth version the standard K2 should be sold with discounts.
Thanks for the great advice, always so shocked that anyone replies to my daft pleas! I plan to take my time demoing as much gear as I can. I hope to be able to persuade dealer to let me borrow for home demos. Problem is in South Wales only have Audio T, Sevenoaks and a Richer so am concerned how accommodating they'll be with this? Would love to hear how others went about this ( ie leaving card details etc). My room isn't the best, noticed bass can seem a bit one notey and occasionally will boom so really need to test at home.
Jonathan Cox said:
Thanks for the great advice, always so shocked that anyone replies to my daft pleas! I plan to take my time demoing as much gear as I can. I hope to be able to persuade dealer to let me borrow for home demos. Problem is in South Wales only have Audio T, Sevenoaks and a Richer so am concerned how accommodating they'll be with this? Would love to hear how others went about this ( ie leaving card details etc). My room isn't the best, noticed bass can seem a bit one notey and occasionally will boom so really need to test at home.

Audio-T and RS have dem rooms and they have a 28-day returns policy, so a home dem should'nt be an issue. Same applies if you buy off the internet - make sure you're covered by a returns policy.
I had a Rega Brio R in the main system and MA RS1 in bedroom system, but one day connect the two together with great results!!!

But some month ago went to Lisbon audio Show and listen to a Creek 50A with Epos Elan 10 and love the way the two played together, but never heard the Creek 50A with other speakers, but I think you should give it a try if those dealers stock it.

have fun!

Jonathan Cox said:
Thanks for the great advice, always so shocked that anyone replies to my daft pleas! I plan to take my time demoing as much gear as I can. I hope to be able to persuade dealer to let me borrow for home demos. Problem is in South Wales only have Audio T, Sevenoaks and a Richer so am concerned how accommodating they'll be with this? Would love to hear how others went about this ( ie leaving card details etc). My room isn't the best, noticed bass can seem a bit one notey and occasionally will boom so really need to test at home.

I've had floorstanding speakers at home over a weekend on demo from Audio T in Cardiff - this was after arranging a demo in-store first to narrow down my options. They took my credit card details 'just in case I didn't return'.
That's great to know! I have had a demo there before, nice store and staff. I feel really guilty having a demo and then not buying, even if not suitable! Did you end up buying could I ask?


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