ivres said:
Vladimir please tell me your opinion.
Would you trade yamaha for harman or roksan kandy k2 or i should give more time to this combo?(yamaha-focal)
Today after listening about 3-4 hours I liked a little more this combination. So, either I got used to it or day by day the speakers play better beacause they have played just 20- 30 hours. Or both...
Even yamaha is not bright, i can now realize that it does not forgive bad recordings or bright radio stations etc...so it does not round the sound...Maybe this means neutral!
If I had that Harman only way I'd let it go is from my cold dead hands.
That amp has more history, pedigree and engineering behind it than any Sugden or Krell or whatever. It's design concept from Harman's golden years, a Matti Otala Citation XX progeny. I had its grandady the HK6900, best amp I ever had.
It also runs first few watts in class A to achieve minimal unmeasurable Intermodular Distortion (the one we hear and hate, unlike THD). That's why it runs hot even when idle. The high biasing and extremely high current delivery capability got it banned from the European market as too dangerous.
I'd keep that baby forever, recapp it in 15 years.
PS - keeping it has a downside that you will have no audiophile friends. People will suggest you 50W british integrated to replace the "AVR" Harman as "your first real hifi amp". 99% of people in this hobby are ignorants, it's your decision how much you prefer pats on the back over actual hifi.