Amp change


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Dec 19, 2013
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Hi to all.

A quick question please. I own a Harman Kardon hk990 and i wonder if it worths to trade it for the Creek 50a.

Is this a downside? Has anyone heard both to tell me the sonic differences except from the obvious specs ?(watts, ins - outs)

My speakers are Monitor audio bronze 2. The reason i think of it is that i feel the hk 990 is a little bit laidaback.

I like the look of creek and i've read is more neutral. Thanks.


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The Creek is not (in theory) a step up from the HK....but that doesn't mean you won't prefer it. I would expect the Creek to sound a bit cleaner and more forward, but less powerful than the HK....but that is a guess.

I wouldn't change unless you can hear it for yourself, in your system....or at least through your speakers.


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Nov 21, 2014
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I have not heard the two amps, but judging by reviews do audition the Creek 50A, also give the Naim Nait 5si a go; you may find their presentation not so laid back and are known to get your feet tapping which may be what you seek..


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CnoEvil said:
The Creek is not (in theory) a step up from the HK....but that doesn't mean you won't prefer it. I would expect the Creek to sound a bit cleaner and more forward, but less powerful than the HK....but that is a guess.

I wouldn't change unless you can hear it for yourself, in your system....or at least through your speakers.


I can only add that I used to own a HK (PM650) amp and if yours sounds anything like as powerful as that did, it may indeed be the power that you miss.

I agree that you should hear the Creek first, ideally with a home loan.


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plastic penguin said:
I'm going against the grain: I would look at better speakers. The newer Bronze 2 are very good but are a tad restrained. If you like the MA brand then the older Gold (GX 50 or 100) would give the presentation a lift.

I think you are absolutely right to think outside the question.....and that is indeed where the sensible money would go. It is easy to find speakers that are less laid back and so balance out the amp. I'd be looking at Triangle and Focal.


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plastic penguin said:

If memory serves me right, I think (don't quote me on this) the HK 990 originally retailed around £1500. The Bronze 2 are about £300 or thereabouts. I believe the OP could eek an awful lot more out of the amp by adding better speakers.

The 990 was a lot of amp for the money, even back then and runs biased well into Class A territory.

This amp would not be out of place driving 2k speakers. I also think it would work well with current PMCs (which sound cleaner and leaner) and possibly LS50s.


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Dec 19, 2013
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Thank you all for your answers.

Maybe i have to look at better speakers with more open top end.

My room is just a 15 m2 and sometimes i think that this amp with its massive power is an overkill for the room and these speakers. For example this amp has a very full low end (but very controlled) and i think if this room needs just these speakers with a more delicate and musical amp.

It's just a thought. I'll try to listen some better pairs of speakers.


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ivres said:
Thank you all for your answers.

Maybe i have to look at better speakers with more open top end.

My room is just a 15 m2 and sometimes i think that this amp with its massive power is an overkill for the room and these speakers. For example this amp has a very full low end (but very controlled) and i think if this room needs just these speakers with a more delicate and musical amp.

It's just a thought. I'll try to listen some better pairs of speakers.

I think you are much more likely to have success with matching speakers to your taste and room....and paying attention to set up and seating positions. There are speakers that are lively, with a clean, lean bass.....some of which have been suggested.

Always try and listen in your room, if possible...or get speakers with the ability to return if they are unsuitable. A good dealer should accomodate this.

If bass remains an issue, look at sealed speakers, like those from ATC.


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plastic penguin said:
Yup. Look at speakers first, Cno's suggestion of PMCs sounds good as do MA Gold. Any of the standmount Kef range (R300, LS50s), Dynaudio, Focal, Totem....

As suggested a home dem is crucial for size and overall balance of presentation.

The R Series are a slightly warm, with a very full bass....which may give problems in his room. The LS50s are cleaner and leaner, but can sound boomy if too close to the wall....but do have 2 part bungs. IMO. These speakers work well with powerful, clean amps.
CnoEvil said:
plastic penguin said:
Yup. Look at speakers first, Cno's suggestion of PMCs sounds good as do MA Gold. Any of the standmount Kef range (R300, LS50s), Dynaudio, Focal, Totem....

As suggested a home dem is crucial for size and overall balance of presentation.

The R Series are a slightly warm, with a very full bass....which may give problems in his room. The LS50s are cleaner and leaner, but can sound boomy if too close to the wall....but do have 2 part bungs. IMO. These speakers work well with powerful, clean amps.

Sealed box, as already mentioned, might be the way to go. Perhaps the ATC's or even Arcaydis EB2's should be investigated.


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If your having bass problems in your room then its likely the room causing the issue.

You can try different speakers - maybe lean your bass out to try and overcome the problem but really is that the best route to go?

Do you really want to have to have lean bass just to overcome a room related bass issue. Is that really a solution or just the creation of another problem

Why not instead take action to manage your bass - either with room treatment or a dsp solution or both

You will get much better results this way and you can then have whatever speakers and amp sound best to you - not have to compromise to try and fix a problem, thats really not actually fixing it.


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My major concern is the matching between the sonic character of the amp and the speakers.

HK 990 produces extended but controlled low end but that does not bother me. In some genres of music i find this very pleasant to hear. The fact that it is a little laid back is my concern.

This is why i focus on the amp or the speakers as the previous mentioned.

First, I think i'll give a try to Focal aria 906.


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May 31, 2016
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ivres said:
My major concern is the matching between the sonic character of the amp and the speakers.

HK 990 produces extended but controlled low end but that does not bother me. In some genres of music i find this very pleasant to hear. The fact that it is a little laid back is my concern.

This is why i focus on the amp or the speakers as the previous mentioned.

First, I think i'll give a try to Focal aria 906.

The Aria 906s are nice speakers, plenty of power and scale and they're easy to drive.


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Dec 19, 2013
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I ended up selling both my amp and my speakers (hk 990 and ma bronze 2).

I purchased Focal aria 906 which i love and now I'm looking for an amp that matches them up to 1000 euros.

Temporarily, i have hooked them to an old technics su 7700. The result is pleasant and i guess that adding a much better amp the result will be greater.

Any suggestions are welcome.


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May 31, 2016
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ivres said:
I ended up selling both my amp and my speakers (hk 990 and ma bronze 2).

I purchased Focal aria 906 which i love and now I'm looking for an amp that matches them up to 1000 euros.

Temporarily, i have hooked them to an old technics su 7700. The result is pleasant and i guess that adding a much better amp the result will be greater.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Cambridge Audio CXA60/80.


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ivres said:
I ended up selling both my amp and my speakers (hk 990 and ma bronze 2).

I purchased Focal aria 906 which i love and now I'm looking for an amp that matches them up to 1000 euros.

Temporarily, i have hooked them to an old technics su 7700. The result is pleasant and i guess that adding a much better amp the result will be greater.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Arcam A29

Croft Integrated

Creek Evo 50A


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ivres said:
I ended up selling both my amp and my speakers (hk 990 and ma bronze 2).

I purchased Focal aria 906 which i love and now I'm looking for an amp that matches them up to 1000 euros.

Temporarily, i have hooked them to an old technics su 7700. The result is pleasant and i guess that adding a much better amp the result will be greater.

Any suggestions are welcome.

I still have my Focal 906 and I suggest Arcam A29 or a s/hand Musical Fidelity M3si


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All of the above amps are good because the Arias match a lot of stuff. I, personally, think the Creek Evo 50 lacks weight, but ymmv.

Also add Naim 5si to your list, or used Unitiqute 2. The new Rega Brio R might be worth a listen as well. And an extra +1 for Croft and Arcam.
CnoEvil said:
ivres said:
I ended up selling both my amp and my speakers (hk 990 and ma bronze 2).

I purchased Focal aria 906 which i love and now I'm looking for an amp that matches them up to 1000 euros.

Temporarily, i have hooked them to an old technics su 7700. The result is pleasant and i guess that adding a much better amp the result will be greater.

Any suggestions are welcome.

Arcam A29

Croft Integrated

Creek Evo 50A

Personally think, although to 50A is good, the OP might need to look at the 100A for anything l9ike comparison to the HK amp he has just sold.


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Al ears said:
Personally think, although to 50A is good, the OP might need to look at the 100A for anything l9ike comparison to the HK amp he has just sold.

There is a confusing array of similarish threads going on....and I hadn't realized I was replying to one started in June (where I said something similar to what you did, above). I simply looked at the last post and tried to stay within budget.


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