Well today, my family have witnessed me going to a whole new level of barking.
I got some Soundstyle Z2 stands cheap and decided to fill them with sand. This meant a trip to Argos to get some "Play Sand". When I got it home it was too damp, so I started cooking it in the oven @ 200 deg C.
One hour later it was ready, and decanted into a cake bowl to cool, When hand hot, I then stirred well to break up the lumps and (to the amazement of my youngest), sieved it into another cake bowl.
For the big columns, with gardening trowel in hand, I filled two of the plastic bags (that it was packed in); weighed them to make sure they were of equal weight; made a sausage that would fit the tube/s, and with Mrs Cno's help (and more than a little scoffing), stuffed it into the waiting columns.
For the two back columns I had to construct a makeshift funnel from half a 7 Up bottle and sellotaped it to the top of each tube in turn tube.....and then troweled in the sand.
Half an hour later, I've two sand filled stands, a kitchen that looks like a beach, four bemused children and a wife who is now armed with enough gossip to sink me socially (locally and across all social media).
Job done!
I bought new speakers, bigger footprint than the old ones (upgraded to Dynaudio Focus 160s from Excite X12s); big success. Stuck on my modest Naim setup they are great. Much more bass, but I fear that the stands are not providing as much support as they should. Soundstyle Z2, main column filled with foam, back 2 are empty. Main column does not ring when tapped, but the whole stand lacks weight. Do you think I can improve them, or do I need to approach a local dealer for something beefier?