active speakers how do they work/how much do cost against standard??


New member
Feb 19, 2009
question1- i guess you need a pre-amp to connect all you stuff like turntable/dac/cd/tuner ect then use the built in amp as a power amp may be wrong it makes sense in my head. so if so could i use my arcam alpha9 as a pre-amp.

question2- say if i like some speakers that are £500 do i need spend x2,x3,x4 the amount to gain the same quailty with active speakers.

question3- do they have a pre-out to add a subwoofer if you wanted

question4 do they need differant stands are can standard stands works.

many thanks simon
Question 1 - yes, you need a pre-amp function, whether hardware or via a laptop (e.g. iTunes for instance).

Question 2 - More like the other way round - if you buy some £500 actives, say the new Tannoy Reveals at £470, then expect to hand over a bit more for the separates. Yamaha's HS50 or HS80 speakers are £230 and £350 respectively, so I'd be looking at around £500 minimum to beat them with separates kit.

Question 3 - different models, so they all vary. Check the specs or ask a local pro-audio dealer.

Question 4 - bog standard will be fine. They're less fussy about positioning, but you probably need to be careful about what you pick as many monitors are geared up more to production rooms than domestic settings.
Q1 - Yes you would need a pre-amp. Some like the ADM's though have this built in. As long as the A9 has suitable outputs it could be used as a pre-amp.

Q2 - I think it varies on the quality of the actives but I would say at least 2 times more. I read many reviews from owners of Actives that have replaced much more expensive gear. I used to have a Cyrus pre-power combo which probably cost in the region of £2.5k (speakers included I should add) and my ADMs are definitely better.

Q3 - Depends on the model. Something else a pre-amp might provide as well if the speakers do not.

Q4 - Regular stands just like every other are fine.
Glad there is consistency in the answers.
thanks guys i do like the sound of them and i will look into it many thanks. sorry but could i use the pre outs of my arcam alpha9 to supply the actives.
ha ha, i have slid into a trap do they show you the price of 1 speaker and not pairs
There are a few alternatives as Record spot has mentioned there is also the Avi Adm9.1 they have both a pre amp and Dac built in and a sub out which you will need if you like rock or orchestral or drum n bass.
Messiah:Glad there is consistency in the answers.

LOL, haha, yes - but of course! Once you've heard them - even the cheap ones - I think they make you realise what can be possible for very little outlay. There's caveats to that alright, but in the right setting, they can work well in the home just as well as the producer's suite.
smuggs:ha ha, i have slid into a trap do they show you the price of 1 speaker and not pairs

Yep, one of the big things to watch out for - if you do get hooked on buying a pair, check out your local pro-audio shop (there's a good one in Edinburgh that I pop into from time to time) and see what they have. If shopping online, do a good bit of pricechecking as deals on pairs can be had (I've seen the Genelec speakers that I like for £200 off their RRP, but that's a limited offer and yes, I fully expect Chebby to neb in and ask what's stopping me from buying them to which I'll point out now I've answered that several times previously!!).

Some are priced as pairs though, and the aforesaid Tannoys are the very dab. Roughly £460 a pair or so. Great review, would be worth an audition for sure.


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