Pre/Power/Integrated with digi streamer conundrum


Active member
May 30, 2024
Hi there,

Looking for anyone's thoughts, experience or advice on choosing an amp pairing for an Eversolo dmp-a8.

I'm currently looking for an upgrade to my Hegel H190. My first instinct was to go for an H390 as I do love the 'signature' sound.

I then went down the web review rabbit hole and the Anthem STR amps caught my eye with their clever room adjustment tech. At first I thought the integrated would be the obvious choice in terms of price, plus I've only ever had integrated.
Then I thought I might invest in the Anthem pre and power combo...then I thought I could go for the power amp only and use my Eversolo A8 as the pre-amp.

My speakers are KLH Model 5's which I'm also very happy with (with shape of room they need to be close to a back wall).

I look forward to your thoughts. On a slight tangent, if anyone has specific experience of Sugden class A amps or the Naim Supernait 3 too, that would be useful to help whittle down my shortlist ahead of arranging auditions (which can be a bit tricky/somewhat limited in Scotland.

Many thanks in advance 😊
Welcome Neil.
Maybe stick with Hegel,?
But if that streamer is going to be your only source then, as you suggest, a power amp is indeed all you need.

I can only tell you what I'd be doing, based on my experience with the Fosi V3 stereo amp.
(Something that could easily be dismissed as being too cheap to be any good).
I'd be buying two of their soon to be released V3 monoblocks (each with a 5 amp power supply).
Then I'd mount amp and supply close to each speaker and run XLR balanced cable from Eversolo to each.
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Thanks, yes I might well end up sticking to Hegel. Cant go wrong but interesting to read your suggestions, much appreciated. There's just so many possible paths to venture down....

I guess im just fixated with the idea of hearing other amps as ive not had many auditions and I cant help thinking, (probably over thinking), that there may be something better out there that I'll instantly fall for as an end game amp.
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Thanks, yes I might well end up sticking to Hegel. Cant go wrong but interesting to read your suggestions, much appreciated. There's just so many possible paths to venture down....

I guess im just fixated with the idea of hearing other amps as ive not had many auditions and I cant help thinking, (probably over thinking), that there may be something better out there that I'll instantly fall for as an end game amp.
I completely understand how we get to believe how amps might sound different. They do, in my experience, but quite subtly in the scheme of things.

With your quite sensitive/efficient KLH I’m wondering what size of room needs more power than the 150wpc h190?

If you like the new offerings like the Eversolo, maybe the HifiRose RA280 might appeal. It’s as full on as the Hegel is modest, and it offers over 300wpc!
Ah yes, I remember looking at the rose with great interest. Love the styling and at first though class d might be a tad shiny/squeeky clean sounding but looks like they've tamed that through some crafty class a like technology. Id be keen to audition it for sure. Have a fondness for most things Korean.
Hi there,

Looking for anyone's thoughts, experience or advice on choosing an amp pairing for an Eversolo dmp-a8.

I'm currently looking for an upgrade to my Hegel H190. My first instinct was to go for an H390 as I do love the 'signature' sound.

I then went down the web review rabbit hole and the Anthem STR amps caught my eye with their clever room adjustment tech. At first I thought the integrated would be the obvious choice in terms of price, plus I've only ever had integrated.
Then I thought I might invest in the Anthem pre and power combo...then I thought I could go for the power amp only and use my Eversolo A8 as the pre-amp.

My speakers are KLH Model 5's which I'm also very happy with (with shape of room they need to be close to a back wall).

I look forward to your thoughts. On a slight tangent, if anyone has specific experience of Sugden class A amps or the Naim Supernait 3 too, that would be useful to help whittle down my shortlist ahead of arranging auditions (which can be a bit tricky/somewhat limited in Scotland.

Many thanks in advance 😊
Hi Neil,

some remarks from me. You got very good amp I think. Eversolo DMP A8 is excellent streamer but as preamp is done in digital domain, this will not be my prefered choice for preamp. I recomend to stay in analogue domain as far as preamp is concerned. Hegel works wery well with KEF speakers, something from R line will be optimal. On the other hand KLH are big Ammerican speakers, working well with McIntosh integrated etc. Just released new Arcam SA45 may be also your cup of amp. As Arcam joined Harman Group, their new amps are tuned to work with JBL. So I think this pairing will work wery well. Arcam has very modern streamer inside, Dirac Live - to adjust your room char. to your liking. And has a lot of power and control, like Hegel. Arcam has reached big improvement in this last generation of amps. BR.
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The go-mad option:

The sensible on offer option:

The integrated option:
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I use a sugden a21 with klipsch heresy’s, what would you like to know. I also have experience with naim classic series components.

You’ll have no problem listening to option in Scotland hifi corner will have you sorted.

Edit: I’ve just had a look at the specs of your speakers though sensitive they present a somewhat difficult load. Id be inclined to not to look at the standard a21 and go one step up the ladder and look at the a21se its better able to handle more differcult loads.
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I use a sugden a21 with klipsch heresy’s, what would you like to know. I also have experience with naim classic series components.

You’ll have no problem listening to option in Scotland hifi corner will have you sorted.

Edit: I’ve just had a look at the specs of your speakers though sensitive they present a somewhat difficult load. Id be inclined to not to look at the standard a21 and go one step up the ladder and look at the a21se its better able to handle more differcult loads.

Many thanks for your comments, very helpful.

I have actually been in touch with Hifi Corner to arrange an audition of the Naim Supernait 3, the Sugden ANV50. Do you have direct listening experience with Naim and Sugden? The manager at Hifi Corner recommended listening to the AVID Accent amp (which sits somewhere in the middle of the Sugden and the Naim but doesn't seem to have a sub /pre-amp line out.
I have experience of listening to naim and sugden with my then revel performer 106's and klipsch. The brands aren't to dissimilar in sound, but the Naim makes you lean slightly further forward, I don't want to say bright because it isn't and I don't want to say the Sugden is warm because it certainly isnt.
I personally preferred the Sugden way of doing things as you can see thats what I now have, it was/is a fuller and fatter sound with a monstrous sound stage but lacked, by comparison! the shrill top end of the Naim. BUT still very engaging just not fatiguing , which the Naims can be with the wrong speakers.

Sugden is the the more fluid sounding of the 2 brands. It makes a notoriously exciting sounding speaker sound as sweat as a nut, to the point I can listen all day. But when I want it to be it's a real event easily producing sound more akin to having 100 watt mono blocks in toe and easily recording 100db in room if thats your bag.

The Sugden ANV50 is a different beast for sugden, it's a nice sound, a real succulent listen but I actually preferred the cheaper A21sig and with my 99db speakers was all I needed. I would give both the ANV50 and the A21se a listen they sound quite a bit different. Both closer to Naim than the A21 sig. But the A21se will give you more of that class A feel, I feel than the ANV50, my opinion of course! you may think differently when you hear them.

Naim on the other hand I find sounds the same what ever model you listen too, what changes is the ease of how it achieves that sound the bass goes deeper with more authority, it should it has more power. They, Naim are very good at a constant house sound, to the point that when you update you feel disappointed! Akin to buying a new iPhone the overall experience is the same but the doesn't start to show what it can do till pushed. The Supernait with your speakers will be all the amp you need power wise. If you feel its the right fit.

Hope that helps I normally deal with Armin in falkirk, lovely chap! very accommodating, they need to be ive never met them I live in Suffolk and they send me everything on loan when going through the processes of buying.
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I have experience of listening to naim and sugden with my then revel performer 106's and klipsch. The brands aren't to dissimilar in sound, but the Naim makes you lean slightly further forward, I don't want to say bright because it isn't and I don't want to say the Sugden is warm because it certainly isnt.
I personally preferred the Sugden way of doing things as you can see thats what I now have, it was/is a fuller and fatter sound with a monstrous sound stage but lacked, by comparison! the shrill top end of the Naim. BUT still very engaging just not fatiguing , which the Naims can be with the wrong speakers.

Sugden is the the more fluid sounding of the 2 brands. It makes a notoriously exciting sounding speaker sound as sweat as a nut, to the point I can listen all day. But when I want it to be it's a real event easily producing sound more akin to having 100 watt mono blocks in toe and easily recording 100db in room if thats your bag.

The Sugden ANV50 is a different beast for sugden, it's a nice sound, a real succulent listen but I actually preferred the cheaper A21sig and with my 99db speakers was all I needed. I would give both the ANV50 and the A21se a listen they sound quite a bit different. Both closer to Naim than the A21 sig. But the A21se will give you more of that class A feel, I feel than the ANV50, my opinion of course! you may think differently when you hear them.

Naim on the other hand I find sounds the same what ever model you listen too, what changes is the ease of how it achieves that sound the bass goes deeper with more authority, it should it has more power. They, Naim are very good at a constant house sound, to the point that when you update you feel disappointed! Akin to buying a new iPhone the overall experience is the same but the doesn't start to show what it can do till pushed. The Supernait with your speakers will be all the amp you need power wise. If you feel its the right fit.

Hope that helps I normally deal with Armin in falkirk, lovely chap! very accommodating, they need to be ive never met them I live in Suffolk and they send me everything on loan when going through the processes of buying.
Very interesting. I'm definately leaning towards the Sugden over the Naim. From what you describe and other reviews I have read, the Naim is closer in sound to my Hegel - just even more so, which I don't want.

I thought the ANV50 might be better for me as it has a bit more power for my large 3 way 90db efficient speakers. However, if it sounds significantly different to the A21sig (and not in a good way) that gives me pause for thought.

The Sugden class A 'sound' seems to go hand in hand with more extended listening sessions without fear of fatigue.
It's just hard to come to terms that such a low wattage amp (particularly the A21sig) would be enough to provide the required thrust, speed and bass weight when the track demands it. That, of course, leads off to the whole question of quality of recordings wthin certain genres. Does the A21sig generally handle rock, metal, jazz/rock, funk well?

Do you have experience of the IA-4? It comes in over budget but if I was to find a pre-loved unit it could be a consideration....
Very interesting. I'm definately leaning towards the Sugden over the Naim. From what you describe and other reviews I have read, the Naim is closer in sound to my Hegel - just even more so, which I don't want.

I thought the ANV50 might be better for me as it has a bit more power for my large 3 way 90db efficient speakers. However, if it sounds significantly different to the A21sig (and not in a good way) that gives me pause for thought.

The Sugden class A 'sound' seems to go hand in hand with more extended listening sessions without fear of fatigue.
It's just hard to come to terms that such a low wattage amp (particularly the A21sig) would be enough to provide the required thrust, speed and bass weight when the track demands it. That, of course, leads off to the whole question of quality of recordings wthin certain genres. Does the A21sig generally handle rock, metal, jazz/rock, funk well?

Do you have experience of the IA-4? It comes in over budget but if I was to find a pre-loved unit it could be a consideration....
In the last few years I bought a Class A amplifier, and I did look closely at Sugden prior to deciding. A friend tried several Suggies and reported what you’ve probably read, in that the baby model is the best sounding. Other models are more powerful or more ‘exciting’ but they aren’t so natural.

I don’t think you’ve said what size room you have, or why you might need more than 25wpc with your sensitivity of speaker.

Class A has an undefinable sweetness and clarity, and coincidentally my Pass Labs is the junior model. Rather like Sugden, it is prized for its purity over the bigger and more powerful versions.
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Very interesting. I'm definately leaning towards the Sugden over the Naim. From what you describe and other reviews I have read, the Naim is closer in sound to my Hegel - just even more so, which I don't want.

I thought the ANV50 might be better for me as it has a bit more power for my large 3 way 90db efficient speakers. However, if it sounds significantly different to the A21sig (and not in a good way) that gives me pause for thought.

The Sugden class A 'sound' seems to go hand in hand with more extended listening sessions without fear of fatigue.
It's just hard to come to terms that such a low wattage amp (particularly the A21sig) would be enough to provide the required thrust, speed and bass weight when the track demands it. That, of course, leads off to the whole question of quality of recordings wthin certain genres. Does the A21sig generally handle rock, metal, jazz/rock, funk well?

Do you have experience of the IA-4? It comes in over budget but if I was to find a pre-loved unit it could be a consideration....
Well my speakers are very different to yours. But I listen to a lot of rock and metal. Foo fighters, Metallica ,Hozier, the blue stones, deaftones and so on, sounds fantastic with plenty of drive, everything sound fantastic tbh, faithless, the prodigy massive attack, Lana del ray, fraya ridings Lucy rose. Have it, nothings off the menu just depends on the speakers and what they can deliver. The amp certainly won’t hold you back.

The wattage will surprise you. Like I say the SE model and above would be a better fit I think purely looking at the paper specs of your speakers. They present quite a load to the amp.

Unfortunately I have no experience with the ia-4 couldn’t afford it so didn’t listen.


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