No Laughing at the back and I dont want any told you so's!! *dash1* But got home looks and feels fabulous really really good. Now the bad news, I'm absolutly gutted, pluged it in all OK, turned the volume up, relay clicks out. Turn off turn on, runs for 30-40 seconds ping protection relay in the amp click out. The Transformer was lose, there was slight movment, they are clamped in place by a bolt running trought the middle with a large washer clamping the transformer in place. Should not be a problem unless it has knocked a sensor or connector out of place. Will wait a responce from Abrahamsen. Burnsie how did you find there communication when you ordered your CD player? I found it non existant! I still remain positive beacuse it look amazingly well built not even taking the £690 I paid into account.