Question You're a millionaire

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How much would you spend on Hi Fi?

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It's all relative.

It depends on how much but if you have say 60m in the bank and a high regular income to match then 1m on a hifi is relative peanuts.

Outch it makes me wince saying it.

I'm not ashamed to say I'd go big.
Stupidly large horn loaded speakers maybe and a huge hall.

Now I know the value of room acoustics id be spending on that perfect room.
I know this as my bedroom/listening room strangles my hifi 😭

I love hifi that much id probably have different sets for different genres to boot.🙂
After another ponder I've realised in-keeping with knowing myself as I've mentioned it's of course relative to what you have and if there's a regular income to match I'd absolutely go to a high end audio show and see what's what.

I rarely look at things if it's not something I can seriously obtain but if anything was on the table then it would be different.

I'm very analytical it's ever more exzocorbated as a byproduct of my diagnosed illness/illnesses so it would indeed have to be sonically better but say' if one has 60m in the bank a few months bank interest would basically purchase wherever pleases you.

Taking into account 🤔 (pardon the pun) that it's basically free would unburden one from any moral scruples.
(That combined that if I had that kind of funds I'd already be very charitable with the right causes.
Building housing projects for OUR own homeless and then running them profit free after that to cover cost is something I would do)

I know myself that it would be big.
Very f🗯️ big.
Hifi big not PA stuff etc I've been they route when setting up my djay equipment in the house many times it sounds terrible in comparison.

I'm not into exotic materials bumping up cost to appear better to those types who think the higher the cost the better the sound although they are onto something in the latter mentioned cost part of the analysis.

Afterall it usually is the case (as with all things) the more spent combining it of course with COMMON SENSE the better the sound.
It's certainly been my experience over the years apart from the odd exception to the rule.
Putting bogwood on the top and gold switchgear doesn't float my boat id rather it was spent on sonic improvements.

"Function over furniture"

I've always preferred the look aesthetically of late 80s to early 90s hifi.
The common placement of dancing dB meters both analogue and digital were afterall "functional" to me as I djayed yrs using them combined with bpm counters, way before the inept soulless software that turns anyone into (usually still a bad) djay and learned to use them as an aid so like them around somewhere in a hifi.

I bought a douk amp splitter to get the added VU meters over other models after finding out it carries mostly an uninterrupted signal of course 😂

As said i recognise the room itself as a huge factor in better sound.
Experiencing a decent hifi in a sonically bad room then a good room highlighted this ever more to me only recently.

Sucks my bedroom/listening room is an odd shape etc but I value my neighbour and it's nesecerry to me not to disturb her especially when my preference is always on the exciting side of the volume dial.
Infact it's an unwritten rule and moral obligation within most of the older generation that evidently lacks with the ever more common mentalites of today.

I'd look at some of those high end 6ft plus floorstanders (to many to list) relative to the sonically perfect room I'd obviously have with that kind of bank balance.

The word "relative" seems to be prominent to everything involving budget.

Obviously a pair of stupidly expensive mono blocks would be incorporated layed on the floor on a nice plinth.

I would stay true to 2 channel stereo.
There would be no sub woofers etc.

Obviously with such a big bank balance I'd have a small room for music storage but I'd still have my favourites in the listening room.

Along with the hifi would be me, a nice sofa, a tobacco pipe and a book.

I'd probably disappear from the forum and be in the papers for being an unusual death by being found as a skeleton, pipe still in mouth on that mentioned sofa because I'd forgotten to feed myself whilst never leaving my listening room.

Maybe I've indulged with the idea too much.
But people who like cars and houses etc usually spend relative to their bank balance I would make no exception to my passion with hifi.

Don't let this misrepresent my character though.
I'm known in my family for being over frugal.
I repair even the smallest thing rather than replace.

I'd saved a long time before finally updating my main hifi (one of only 2) and even then never came even close to the modest budget I'd sensibly saved up.
Even then I still purchased the amp second hand despite budgeting for new.

I have heard a monster system once at a hifi show and it was maybe not a good idea on reflection as it unconsciously raised the bar of what I yearn for.

I have however found my happy place again lately with the fyne 502s I mentioned on another thread (to me jaw droppingly good)
A considerable jump in sound quality to what I have, had and demoed.

They have me listening to music every morning again and being excited at the idea of getting home to the audible click from the protection relay disengaging ready to listen to more music.

I've gone from sporadic listening back to whenever I get the opportunity.
Thankfully, for decades, I've been able to indulge much more on hi-fi than I have. My three set-ups bring much joy daily and the aggregate could be had by a thousandaire.

I also get joy from reading and learning of others' indulgences, both electronic and musical.
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The reason I'm really into HIFI, amongst other things, is because it's one of those hobbies easily attainable on a reasonable wage. I eat certain foods and visit certain places for the same reason. If I was a millionaire, I wouldn't spend so much time listening to music, or have the lifestyle I currently maintain. Being very wealthy means you have more choice, security and more doors are open to you. I would live in a different hotel every week, using taxies to and from pubs and restaurants. Sat in my living room, obsessing about HIFI would be a waste of time in my opinion. Many people are very short sighted and seem to have very little aspiration to do more than they current do. There are several stories of people becoming wealthy and they decide to do exactly what they do already, even to carry on working, paying more tax and limiting their ability to enjoy their recently gained wealth. To wonder what sort of HIFI you would buy, if you were a millionaire, seems very narrow minded, when there would be endless things you could do with your short time on this planet. If I was a millionaire, I'd still own a phone, but I very much doubt I would own any computers, or have any interest typing, or ranting on a HIFI forum. I think life's too short and I would find more interesting and productive pursuits.
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I disagree. Beyond the initial thrill of having lots of money, I believe your lifestyle would remain largely unchanged. Altering your daily routine simply because you suddenly have the means to do so would lead to a path of self-destruction and misguided obsession.

I think talking on a forum is a very relaxing way to spend the time and in doing so, escaping the world we live in.
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I disagree entirely. I have already 'planned' my next life after a lottery win and this potential lifestyle bears no resemblance to my current routine. Owning a computer, reading nonsense online, including on forums would come to an end and I would be sailing round the coasts of Europe, enjoying the best food and wine available. I would travel and see as much of the world as I could, in my remaining years. I've not owned a TV for more than 4 years and have no plans to change that. I wouldn't become a Luddite and avoid modern things, I would just enjoy different things, like yachts and perhaps even cycling round interesting locations, here and abroad. The only reason I continue to rant on this forum is because I can't afford to experience the finer things the world has to offer. Having a massive balance to spend would take me far away from the humdrum world of HIFI and online forums. Your post suggests to me you have a very lacklustre lifestyle and wouldn't know what to do with a sudden and large increase in wealth. This is the attitude to the world I allude to in posts about people set in their ways and unwilling to change. Being a millionaire and spending hours on this forum would be a real waste of ones time, when the world could be your oyster. Sat in your living room, debating which turntable sounds best is the epitome of banality, compared to what you could be doing with your life. You only live once and there's more to life than turntables and other HIFI stuff.
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The reason I'm really into HIFI, amongst other things, is because it's one of those hobbies easily attainable on a reasonable wage. I eat certain foods and visit certain places for the same reason. If I was a millionaire, I wouldn't spend so much time listening to music, or have the lifestyle I currently maintain. Being very wealthy means you have more choice, security and more doors are open to you. I would live in a different hotel every week, using taxies to and from pubs and restaurants. Sat in my living room, obsessing about HIFI would be a waste of time in my opinion. Many people are very short sighted and seem to have very little aspiration to do more than they current do. There are several stories of people becoming wealthy and they decide to do exactly what they do already, even to carry on working, paying more tax and limiting their ability to enjoy their recently gained wealth. To wonder what sort of HIFI you would buy, if you were a millionaire, seems very narrow minded, when there would be endless things you could do with your short time on this planet. If I was a millionaire, I'd still own a phone, but I very much doubt I would own any computers, or have any interest typing, or ranting on a HIFI forum. I think life's too short and I would find more interesting and productive pursuits.
So much of what you say is true, but I also totally disagree with you. What you say may be true of you but that's just you. I'm not really into hifi. I take a certain amount of enjoyment of having an old budget system that sounds better than a lot of more expensive setups, but that's just an additional bonus. It's the music that interests me. I'm pretty sure that if I was penniless or ridiculously wealthy I would still take great pleasure from reading books, watching movies, and listening to music.

As to what a millionaire would spend on a hifi is probably more about the person than their wealth. If you have just come into money you may go out and buy the system that you always wanted. If you have always had money you Will probably either already have a system or not be interested, and will never have one.

On a side note I visit a lot of homes with work and surprisingly few have anything approaching a hifi. Soundbars and bluetooth speakers rule these days! The last decent system I saw was a Linn system, everything matched and had clearly been purchased as a job lot. The owner didn't seem that interested in music. Contrast that with a 70s Merantz record player, 90s NAD CD player, TEAC cassette player (80s or 90s??), early 2000s Rotel amp, and Rogers loudspeakers. This was owned by someone with about 400 records and a similar number of CDs, mainly classical. Having spoken to the owner he had owned a hifi for as long as he could remember, only updated components when they stopped working and had zero interest in hifi but listened to music every day.
That's why I'd probably spend the bulk on active speakers.
I don't think a digital source needs to have too much spent on it.
That's exactly why I picked 50k because I've heard 30k dollar speakers and they blew me away. I think it was Sonus Faber Serafino G2 in red lacquer. They sounded better than I ever imagined any speakers could sound and they had the beauty to match. Totally worth it IF and only IF I were a millionaire! 😎
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It’s upsetting that you don’t think you can enjoy the finer things in life without money, @podknocker. It’s all there now if you want it ❤️
Define 'finer things' as this is so subjective. We all have different interests, preferences and priorities. Try and enjoy faithful music reproduction for free. This thread is asking what you'd do if you were a millionaire. I wouldn't spend ANY money on HIFI, because I'd be sailing round the world on a yacht. Try also doing that without money, or anything you have an interest in. It's very naive to suggest one can enjoy anything in a modern world without money. It does highlight the lack of aspiration many people suffer from. If you had a million quid, would your first thoughts turn to overpriced tat from Linn, for example? I can thing bigger than that and would get myself as far away from HIFI and gadgets as possible. I'd have solar panels on my yacht and an internet connection via sattelite, so I could listen to Spotify on my phone with my Sennheiser HD600 cans plugged in. Drooling over electronics wouldn't be my first choice if I suddenly had great wealth. The world has so much more to offer than shiny, blingy CD players or turntables, but nothing is available for free. I challenge you to enjoy your hobbies and interests without opening your wallet.
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Define 'finer things' as this is so subjective. We all have different interests, preferences and priorities. Try and enjoy faithful music reproduction for free. This thread is asking what you'd do if you were a millionaire. I wouldn't spend ANY money on HIFI, because I'd be sailing round the world on a yacht. Try also doing that without money, or anything you have an interest in. It's very naive to suggest one can enjoy anything in a modern world without money. It does highlight the lack of aspiration many people suffer from. If you had a million quid, would your first thoughts turn to overpriced tat from Linn, for example? I can thing bigger than that and would get myself as far away from HIFI and gadgets as possible. I'd have solar panels on my yacht and an internet connection via sattelite, so I could listen to Spotify on my phone with my Sennheiser HD600 cans plugged in. Drooling over electronics wouldn't be my first choice if I suddenly had great wealth. The world has so much more to offer than shiny, blingy CD players or turntables, but nothing is available for free. I challenge you to enjoy your hobbies and interests without opening your wallet.
There is no escape in things that create attachment, be they material or not. So there is no point in trying to place one thing above the other and talking about " lack of aspiration many people suffer from".
There is no escape in things that create attachment, be they material or not. So there is no point in trying to place one thing above the other and talking about " lack of aspiration many people suffer from".
I'm really interested in music and its faithful reproduction, but is it really the most important thing in anyones life? It would be a shame if that was so. There really is more to life than obsessing about CD players, TTs and even streamers. It's just 'stuff' and being a millionaire would give you so many options and pleasures in life. HIFI and music is not high up on my list. I abandoned materialism and owning as much as I could afford several years ago. If I was a millionaire I would own less than I do now. Clean clothes, a few toiletries in a travel bag, my phone, my wallet and a passport is all I would need. Why buy expensive kit and obsess about it? Spending a small fortune on audio electronics to give you a 1% increase in quality. Not for me.
If I sold my property and land I would be considered rich by most, but I would not spend more than £5K in total- my present 'system' cost a little over £1K, all used stuff. I am very happy with my sound, it fills me with joy, and I have no intention of being sucked into the world of the audiophile. I would rather give to charity than hifi snake oil dealers.
I find it obscene the amounts spent, and somewhat pathetic peoples desires. Dream on people.
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I wouldn't spend ANY money on HIFI, because I'd be sailing round the world on a yacht.
You would give up the life you have now for a new one. Fair enough.

I would stick to listening to Hi Fi.
I would buy some Dynaudio Contour i's with Musical Fidelity M8 amplification, which seem's to be a good match, and continually update my PC.

This alone would keep me ticking over.
So then what keeps you from owning less *now* ?
Because I can't afford to own less. I have to do something with my spare time, so I spend money on stuff I can afford to do. If I was a millionaire, I wouldn't need most of the stuff I have, because I would be travelling and not hoarding overpriced nonsense, like many people on here. I own very little already and it's very arrogant of you to assume I own a lot of stuff in the first place.


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