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Thank for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.
That'll be Elvis aka Thaiman. Check his previous postings.

The rest of us mere mortals shall not trouble you further.
Fire Dragon:
Thank for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.

You do know that Stereophile and Absolute Sound have active online forums? (We cannot post links here due to forum 'house rules'.)

Us mere 'mud-grubbers' will not begrudge you going off to join shinier, wealthier, more beautiful and cleverer people up there in the broad & sunlit golden uplands to canter and frolic with the wise and fabulous of the high-end.
chebby:Fire Dragon:
Thank for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.

You do know that Stereophile and Absolute Sound have active online forums? (We cannot post links here due to forum 'house rules'.)

Us mere 'mud-grubbers' will not begrudge you going off to join shinier, wealther, more beautiful and cleverer people up there in the broad & sunlit golden uplands to canter and frolic with the wise and fabulous of the high-end.


Thankyou chebby,kiss kiss

BTW,where if you dont mind me asking,did you get that killer smiley from,and how do i get them onto my comp to use on site ?. Ah, remember you will be conveying to a EDITED BY MODS as far as desktops are concerned.

Fire Dragon:

Thank for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.

Good for you.

Eben Ayra C1...nuff said.
chebby:Fire Dragon:

Thank for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.

You do know that Stereophile and Absolute Sound have active online forums? (We cannot post links here due to forum 'house rules'.)

Us mere 'mud-grubbers' will not begrudge you going off to join shinier, wealthier, more beautiful and cleverer people up there in the broad & sunlit golden uplands to canter and frolic with the wise and fabulous of the high-end.


Thank you for your kind words but I prefer to stay down to earth.
Fire Dragon:
Thank for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.

How would you define expert?

To the best of my knowledge, most of us are hobbyists. Personally I dont hold with the ...'I have a better syetem than you so I am more of an expert that you are'....theory.

I am sure that we all offer advice based on our own experiences and with the best of intentions. It is up to you to decide if you want to take, act on or think further on that advice.
raym87:Fire Dragon:

Thank for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.

How would you define expert?

To the best of my knowledge, most of us are hobbyists. Personally I dont hold with the ...'I have a better syetem than you so I am more of an expert that you are'....theory.

I am sure that we all offer advice based on our own experiences and with the best of intentions. It is up to you to decide if you want to take, act on or think further on that advice.

What about an editor of 'What Hi-Fi?' magazine? Do not get me wrong I have read all the above posts and taken in to account. Once again thank you for all your recommendations and advice.

Hi FD,

Sorry but had to track back to find where you'd posted that you wanted 'more transparency and a natural sound' - don't we all mate!

Okay the most obvious thing to say is its probably gonna cost more money (in all likelihood anyway).

Some choices spring to mind -

1. Add a TT, and again choice is plentiful and each has a different house sound, have a listen to Michell, SME, Roksan, Clearaudio and make your own mind up!

2. Consider replacing the Krell 400 with a pre/power combo

3. The 805S are real nice but quite coloured (sounds good though) - ever thought of ATC's, it doesn't get more neutral than that..

All of the above sort of comes down to what's your budget and how much do you really want to go looking for improvement? I don't think its sensible to rush in with recommendations at this stage without understanding what the scale and £size of your intent.

If its just curiosity it could be very expensive!

Your system is very good - remember from here its all diminishing returns I'm afraid
Ketan, our technical editor - and master of our Temptations section - would love to get his teeth into this; sadly you won't find him here on a Bank Holiday weekend! I'll flag this thread up for his attention from Tuesday.

In the meantime, you've had some great suggestions already on this thread

Hi FD,

Sorry but had to track back to find where you'd posted that you wanted 'more transparency and a natural sound' - don't we all mate!

Okay the most obvious thing to say is its probably gonna cost more money (in all likelihood anyway).

Some choices spring to mind -

1. Add a TT, and again choice is plentiful and each has a different house sound, have a listen to Michell, SME, Roksan, Clearaudio and make your own mind up!

2. Consider replacing the Krell 400 with a pre/power combo

3. The 805S are real nice but quite coloured (sounds good though) - ever thought of ATC's, it doesn't get more neutral than that..

All of the above sort of comes down to what's your budget and how much do you really want to go looking for improvement? I don't think its sensible to rush in with recommendations at this stage without understanding what the scale and £size of your intent.

If its just curiosity it could be very expensive!

Your system is very good - remember from here its all diminishing returns I'm afraid

Thanks mate for all the above. Here is someone how knows what he is talking about and his is not someone how just care how to increase his posts numbers. You don't need to be rich to experiment and listen to 'expensive systems' which by the way I'm NOT. I have listen to much more expensive systems and that doesn't make me rich or I have more knowledge than most of you.

Also I would like to mention that there are a lot of people that don't like to hear the truth, one example is this one: 'Thank you for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.'

This forum intention is to here some recommendations and advice from the experts or people that got involved and experiment with systems as mentioned in my first post (they do not need to own such a system).

Thanks once again.

'Idiots Guide' to making friends.......

Wonder if it will ever get published......
Fire Dragon:
Thanks mate for all the above. Here is someone how knows what he is talking about and his is not someone how just care how to increase his posts numbers. You don't need to be rich to experiment and listen to 'expensive systems' which by the way I'm NOT. I have listen to much more expensive systems and that doesn't make me rich or I have more knowledge than most of you.

Also I would like to mention that there are a lot of people that don't like to hear the truth, one example is this one: 'Thank you for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.'

This forum intention is to here some recommendations and advice from the experts or people that got involved and experiment with systems as mentioned in my first post (they do not need to own such a system).

Thanks once again.


Sorry, you set your stall out accordingly by identifying your current kit which most of us don;t have. In order to make a recommendation, it fits you need to have a good understanding of what the Krell kit sounds like at least no? Me? I'd just go for a fully fettled Garrard 401 in a Martin Bastin plinth and with an SME V tonearm as a turntable and sit back and enjoy. Maybe a Lyra Dorian cartridge, maybe an Ortofon Kontrapunkt...I'd probably not use a 640P for the phono stage if the Krell doesn't already have one. McIntosh pre/power would be a good option, but in the absence of a budget, you limit the options.

The thing is, you wanted an opinion presumably based on exeprience, hence the "expert" request. If you just wanted a list of high end kit, anybody can do that.

Incidentally, credibility and respect are something you earn, not get a free pass on.

Perhaps you ought to decide what you want from this forum as well as what you want to hear from your kit.
Fire Dragon: Also I would like to mention that there are a lot of people that don't like to hear the truth, one example is this one: 'Thank you for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.'

Well, in that case, don't title your thread "YOUR OPINION MATTERS" (which, by the way, sounds like a bad marketing survey), when the reality is that the only opinion you're actually interested in is that of someone who meets your vague criteria for being an "expert". Use a title such as "High-end Hi-Fi Expert Opinions required".

And when you do get responses from people who have taken the time to consider your question, don't slag them off because they don't don't meet your unspecified requirements, because that's just plain rude.

Oh and that answer about not going to forums that have more familarity with systems like this because "you want to stay down to earth" is bull! If you genuinely wanted an answer to your query you'd seek out the place that has the most "experts" on the sort of system you have because that's where you're most likely to find sensible answers in the quickest time. Instead you come here, where the chances of getting such an answer is low, thus wasting your own time and that of every one who replied, which is completely illogical (captain). I rather suspect that the reason you haven't gone to those forums is because they'll probably consider your system a bit low rent compared to some of theirs, so instead you come here to show off to us poor relations, there's no other reason to post asking for opinions on a list of components like that, knowing full well that most of the people here will never have heard them.
Sign of the times, I guess: in the old days we used to sit fuming and
arguing in traffic jams on Bank Holiday Monday; these days it happens
on web forums.
Can we all stop squabbling, please, or the thread will be locked.
the record spot:Fire Dragon:
Thanks mate for all the above. Here is someone how knows what he is talking about and his is not someone how just care how to increase his posts numbers. You don't need to be rich to experiment and listen to 'expensive systems' which by the way I'm NOT. I have listen to much more expensive systems and that doesn't make me rich or I have more knowledge than most of you.

Also I would like to mention that there are a lot of people that don't like to hear the truth, one example is this one: 'Thank you for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.'

This forum intention is to here some recommendations and advice from the experts or people that got involved and experiment with systems as mentioned in my first post (they do not need to own such a system).

Thanks once again.


Sorry, you set your stall out accordingly by identifying your current kit which most of us don;t have. In order to make a recommendation, it fits you need to have a good understanding of what the Krell kit sounds like at least no? Me? I'd just go for a fully fettled Garrard 401 in a Martin Bastin plinth and with an SME V tonearm as a turntable and sit back and enjoy. Maybe a Lyra Dorian cartridge, maybe an Ortofon Kontrapunkt...I'd probably not use a 640P for the phono stage if the Krell doesn't already have one. McIntosh pre/power would be a good option, but in the absence of a budget, you limit the options.

The thing is, you wanted an opinion presumably based on exeprience, hence the "expert" request. If you just wanted a list of high end kit, anybody can do that.

Incidentally, credibility and respect are something you earn, not get a free pass on.

Perhaps you ought to decide what you want from this forum as well as what you want to hear from your kit.

I don't think he knows what he wants.

Because Hi Fi is so subjective every so called "expert" will have different preferences, wants and needs so even a roomful of "experts" there will be a myriad of opinions, thats what makes Hi Fi so facinating and can be tailored to each individuals taste of reproductive music.........
Definition of expert is easy. Legal definition as used when calling expert witness is quite simply ` Person in the room who has more experience than anyone else in the room on the chosen subject`
So an `expert` is not necessarily the font of all knowledge you imagine. Bit like a `government scientist` I suppose.
Hi-fi is such a personal thing that the only true expert is yourself. Opinions and reviews are only worth so much. What you hear with your own ears is what really matters.
To true what some people rate you will not ,As matthew says let your ears be the judge.after all its you that will be using your hifi stuff.


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