Fire Dragon: Also I would like to mention that there are a lot of people that don't like to hear the truth, one example is this one: 'Thank you for all the above recommendations but to be honest I am still waiting for an expert's opinion.'
Well, in that case, don't title your thread "YOUR OPINION MATTERS" (which, by the way, sounds like a bad marketing survey), when the reality is that the only opinion you're actually interested in is that of someone who meets your vague criteria for being an "expert". Use a title such as "High-end Hi-Fi Expert Opinions required".
And when you do get responses from people who have taken the time to consider your question, don't slag them off because they don't don't meet your unspecified requirements, because that's just plain rude.
Oh and that answer about not going to forums that have more familarity with systems like this because "you want to stay down to earth" is bull! If you genuinely wanted an answer to your query you'd seek out the place that has the most "experts" on the sort of system you have because that's where you're most likely to find sensible answers in the quickest time. Instead you come here, where the chances of getting such an answer is low, thus wasting your own time and that of every one who replied, which is completely illogical (captain). I rather suspect that the reason you haven't gone to those forums is because they'll probably consider your system a bit low rent compared to some of theirs, so instead you come here to show off to us poor relations, there's no other reason to post asking for opinions on a list of components like that, knowing full well that most of the people here will never have heard them.