Would a DAC inprove my HTPC setup


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Aug 10, 2019
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Hi all, my current system is this, Acer revo r3700 running XBMCBUNTU, - Samsung TV (via HDMI) - Pioneer A300R Presicion Amp (via 3.5mm jack to RCA on amp) - Tannoy f1 speakers.

Just wanted to know if my sound quality would improve if i used the optical out on the TV to something like this http://fiio.com.cn/product/index.aspx?ID=33&MenuID=020302 and than to the amp, Or if i should get a cheap old DACMAGIC 2 and go that way?

All music is in flac format.


i dont think my budget will strecth to a usb dac, unless there some cheap options about. The reason i want to avoid the optical on the acer is that its on the front of the machine, (purely cosmetic i know). Is the dacmagic 2 (seen them go for £50-60) basically a fancier version of the fiio? Is it adversly affecting the sound by using a 3.5 to RCA cable, from the tv to the amp?


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jmenorton said:
i dont think my budget will strecth to a usb dac, unless there some cheap options about. The reason i want to avoid the optical on the acer is that its on the front of the machine, (purely cosmetic i know). Is the dacmagic 2 (seen them go for £50-60) basically a fancier version of the fiio? Is it adversly affecting the sound by using a 3.5 to RCA cable, from the tv to the amp?

the DacMagic 2 has USB

I still have no idea why you are bothering with the TV. and it may not send a digital input to it digital out put. Many dont and think of all the Error you may be introducing.

DacMagic optical or USB from the PC.


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Mar 28, 2011
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I was surprised to hear the DACMagic 2 went for such a low price if you can find any on eBay for that then it sounds like a good way to go to me. From the pictures I saw it doesn't look like it has a USB connection though.


Yea, im talking about the old old model, it doesnt have USB i dont think. Think im going to try one of the cheap Fiio DACS first, to see if i can get audio output from the optical on the pc (harder than it sounds on XBMCBUNTU)


Well-known member
jmenorton said:
Yea, im talking about the old old model, it doesnt have USB i dont think. Think im going to try one of the cheap Fiio DACS first, to see if i can get audio output from the optical on the pc (harder than it sounds on XBMCBUNTU)
the original one did not. the replacement one that was also called the DacMagic and everyone said was great did.

maybe have a look at what you are actually thinking of getting.


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Mar 28, 2011
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You could try something like the Prodigy Cube which has RCA connectors for your amp. It's got a headphone amp as well so that's a bit of a waste but otherwise could work out well and it does have USB.


Listed as £72 on the website but they don't have an UK dealers yet. You can get it on eBay (Korea) for £62 but you might get charge TAX.



Just found this http://www.amazon.co.uk/Behringer-UCA202-U-Control-low-latency-Interface/dp/B000KW2YEI/ref=cm_cr_pr_product_top got some good reviews, also is there a difference in SQ between using something like this, and going straight from the PCs optical out into something like a fiio d3.


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