Was it in the 90s by any chance? 🙂That's nice davidf. I got a 100 CD's of an album my brother made. I'll donate one if you want!
Sound Cloud - Enhancer
That's some long hype train! 15 years now i believe they have been back in the public mindNo. They are not dead at all. Vinyl Hype is simply a hype.
I am really not sure that physical media is less eco friendly than streaming. I have CDs from the mid-eighties, still perfectly serviceable. I have secondhand LPs that date back to the 50s again quite serviceable. Commercial streaming will require a data centre and hence carbon.All physical media will have its day and will probably be legally enforced at some point due to mandated eco laws but for the time being, its not going anywhere just yet. Just enjoy it while it lasts.
Why didn't you just buy a CD player with a decent DAC??I have recently bought a CD player, and am very happy with it. I have lots of old CDs and I may buy a DAC in the future to improve my sound quality.
I'll never abandon CD. I did vinyl because of scratches, clicks and pops. I had a crap turntable with hindsight, but vinyl is still pretty fragile in comparison.
But I also won't go over to streaming. Part of the appeal of a large collection is its presence, but the biggest plus is that I can stand in front of it and browse. Once a musical catalogue gets beyond a certain size, it's impossible to hold it in your head* - there are things that I would never listen to again if they weren't there to subtly remind me by physically being there. I can see how playlists and algorithms would work for background music (it's how my kids use my system), but I tend to just sit and listen - flitting from artist to artist as the whim takes me.
*I know this for a fact, for me at least. When I decided to catalogue books, CDs and films I tried to do it from memory to see how far I got. It was a long way short!View attachment 1016
That makes no sense whatsoever. Any MP3 player will allow you to quickly scan through your music collection, and you'll find something a lot easier than you would looking through those racks of CDs.See post two previous to your own?
Blimey someone who still listens to 128kbps mp3's, bet they sound great on your amazing hi-if system.Why on earth would anyone want to use CDs, when you can fit 10,000 albums an a micro SD card the size of the nail on your little finger?