What vinyl are you listening to?

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Terence Trent D'Arby - Introducing the Hardline

.49p? You realise you got yourself a MASSIVE bargain there, mate? More of a bargain than 'Vitalogy'. On the rare occasions i've seen it for sale, it's gone for silly money.

Well done you. You b*****d!


I wasnt even thinking about that.....I was browsing through LP's and saw it......I remembered owning it on casette when it first came out when I must have been something like 14 or 15 and listened to it pretty much constantly.....I just thought it would be a good album form my teenage years to own on Viynl.

I must say its in vitualy mint condition (the viynl is perfect with no marks or scratches and plays fantastically).

Sounds like I got a bargain there then at .49p

In mint condition, too? it just gets better and better, eh?

See for yourself how rare it is, matey: google 'Hardline........vinyl' and see what turns up. It's usually zilch, nada and zip

You may not have noticed, because i'm oh so subtle, but i'm massively jealous I've been after it for six months!
Well theres loads on Ebay at the moment.....at various price points mate......but doesnt mean they wont get expensive I suppose at the end of the auction....at a dozen on there though.
That's weird!

Like I said earlier, i've been looking for ages, and there's been absolutely nutin about. I suppose it's supply and demand: now there seems to be an influx of the record, so the prices have come down. I've just snapped one up for a fiver.
Bonnie Prince Billy - I See A Darkness.

Just a beautiful, haunting record. It takes a few listens to get into it, but once you do, it get's better and better with every listen.

Hey Nick,

It would be a funny old world if we all liked the same stuff.

I'll see your Michael Jackson and raise you my wife's Bay City Rollers LP's if you like.



I've been mulling over the Bay City Rollers for the last day or two (hence the slow reply) and as much as I hated them at the time thinking that music couldn't get much worse , compared to some of the utter drivel that has been foisted on us in the 40 odd years since ,I think I would find them bearable now .

Home alone tonight with the youngest son so I think it'll be a Toad-in-the-Hole and Krautrock evening . Again ,

shropshire lad:
Home alone tonight with the youngest son so I think it'll be a Toad-in-the-Hole and Krautrock evening . Again ,


Toad-In-The-Hole eh? What a good name for a Krautrock band

Me, I'm onto my 3rd listening of my Al Green Greatest Hits , really good.

shropshire lad:DIB:

Hey Nick,

It would be a funny old world if we all liked the same stuff.

I'll see your Michael Jackson and raise you my wife's Bay City Rollers LP's if you like.



I've been mulling over the Bay City Rollers for the last day or two (hence the slow reply) and as much as I hated them at the time thinking that music couldn't get much worse , ,


How could you spend anymore than a nansecond contemplating that.

Although I see you have a 5 Star album.
I couldn't match that in our poker game.
If you want any more there are plenty for sale in the charity shops where Survivor lives.
Not sure where that is though.

and for LA and DIB and other lads who were around in the 90s i tried a past down

albert ayler - music is the healing force. i have nearly 200 past down records from the late 70's so ill try and clean and play one each night

Thank you young man but I was a lot older than you are now even in 1990. My taste in music is still stuck in the early 70s.

Bonnie Prince Billy - I See A Darkness.

Just a beautiful, haunting record. It takes a few listens to get into it, but once you do, it get's better and better with every listen.

How would you class this Bretty...what sort of genre is it.....been thinking about buying some but never heard it or of him before

I'm not sure of the genre that it would fall into.

I'll have a crack at describing it, though. It's a simple, honest record of predominantly slow paced guitar music. By 'simple and honest', I mean that it doesn't have complicated arrangements and the instruments have been recorded purely, without effects added. It's guitar driven and most of the album is quite meloncholy. What really makes it, for me, though is his voice. It doesn't have an amazing range and you could be no means call it strong, but, there's just something about it that is just so full of emotion.

If you feel like dipping your toe, definitely get this album first. It's his best.
Cheers Bretty,

I will put my toe in the water and see if I can get a copy at a decent price (nothing on Ebay at the moment though), so I'll keep my eyes open.

May wait a while as I have just purchased Making Movies by Dire Straits, The Pros and Cons of Hitchiking by Roger Waters and upon your recommendation the Lisa Hannigan album. Also waiting for a preorder of the 20th Aniversary edition of screamadelica by Primal Scream to arrive

Cheers Bretty,

I will put my toe in the water and see if I can get a copy at a decent price (nothing on Ebay at the moment though), so I'll keep my eyes open.

May wait a while as I have just purchased Making Movies by Dire Straits, The Pros and Cons of Hitchiking by Roger Waters and upon your recommendation the Lisa Hannigan album. Also waiting for a preorder of the 20th Aniversary edition of screamadelica by Primal Scream to arrive

No need for e-bay on this one, matey. Get it new for a tenner, here. It's a heavyweight vinyl, too. Nice.

You bought 'Sea Sew'? Great stuff. I thought my mic must've been off when I made that recommendation. I'm glad you were listening mate!

Another Ebay purchase, arrived today. I bought this when it first came out but I'm blowed if I know whatever happened to it so I've replaced it like for like.

bretty said:
No need for e-bay on this one, matey. Get it new for a tenner, here. It's a heavyweight vinyl, too. Nice.

You bought 'Sea Sew'? Great stuff. I thought my mic must've been off when I made that recommendation. I'm glad you were listening mate!

Couldn't resist so 've ordered it to go it a try
Jason36 said:
bretty said:
No need for e-bay on this one, matey. Get it new for a tenner, here. It's a heavyweight vinyl, too. Nice.

You bought 'Sea Sew'? Great stuff. I thought my mic must've been off when I made that recommendation. I'm glad you were listening mate!

Couldn't resist so 've ordered it to go it a try

Nice one! I hope you like it as much as I do. Do give it few listens before you make your mind up on it, it's a slow burner. The first time I heard it, after a mate recommended 'Billie', I didn't get why he was raving about it so much. Within three listens I liked it, and now I blummin love it!
mitch65 said:
bretty said:

Paul Simon - Graceland

Ohh used to have that on ye olde cassette when it first came out,mmmmm me thinks I may have to track that one down.

Yeah, it was a bit of nostalgia for me, too. I got it today, Mitch, from E-bay. It was a fiver, and it's immaculate. Sounds tip-top, too. It's the same very thin vinyl that Sting's 'The Soul Cages' has, but like the Sting album, it seems to have no bearing on the sound quality.

There were quite a few of them on e-bay, when I bought mine, two days ago Mitch. A few of them were buy it now for around a fiver.

Recent purchase off ebay...arrived this morning. £8.00 and the viynl is in amazing condition....no background noise whatsoever. Another brilliant purchase


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