What HIFI team CA Topaz SR10


New member
Aug 24, 2008
Have returned mine. For 3 times now, on connecting it after a long period of being off, sound only came from right speaker. Turning it off and back on again, made both speakers work.Any similar problem noticed when you tested the model? Aprecciate help.
Certainly no such problems when we were testing, or it wouldn't have got its strong, four-star rating (even at its bargain price).

Unfortunately it sounds like you've got a duff unit (assuming you also checked your speaker connections were all OK); sure CA will sort you out with a replacement.
sure hope it is reliable has i am getting a replacement.but after reading some posts about C.A. not so good quality of build I am a bit afraid
It should be remembered that Cambridge Audio is the bestselling hi-fi brand in the UK, so only if a tiny fraction of its products go wrong - which is pretty normal for mass-produced electronics of any kind - you're likely to read more reports than from owners of smaller brands.
I have a 350 Azur a DACmagic and an ID10 (ID10 used on another system). Have only had a slight glitch with the remote of the Azur not doing what it should with the ID10. However 10 out of 10 for CA's support as they sent to me a new remote they had tested to work.

Appears to have been a batch / software issue. So from a reliability point cant fault them and at least they resolved my problem rather than the sort of response I have had from other sources.

Hope that puts your mind at rest.
just got my second pack SR10 + S30 + ipod dock.

The previous S30 had a loose terminal and some sort of glue on the tweeters...this second pair is just perfect.

Strange both boxes were sealed and could see that it was untouched, just unlucky with the amp and the speakers...

This second pack is just perfect and I love the sound.I have an ideia the CA team fiddled a bit with the crossovers on the S30, since I've had a pair 2 years ago an they sounded much different.
Hi Ear, congratulations with your choice. I think that it's a smart looking solution you bought yourself.

I'm courious if you could post your experiences and findings compared to your AX Yamaha amp.

Enjoy your 2nd CA set. greetings dalinova
DaliNova hello! the yamaha is very good with standmounters. and not bad with floorstanders.I only have it connected to the NS-333speakers that are bass light.these speakers only come to life (and a lot of life) on more than normal listening levels.the SR10 is a very good little amp also. I love the sound it produces. the Ca 550 A is also better than the SR10, and I sure rpefer it to the S700 yamaha. also heard the S1000 and S2000 Yamahas and I think they have all the same character of sound.I just think I preffer the CA sound.but your rx-497 is not bad at all.I am just a bit maniac on trying to get some promo packs.Now I have 3 amps haha.and I love the sound of all.depends on the mood😛
Apologies that you got a lemon with your first SR10. I can assure you this isn't the norm and that we have in fact had very few SR10 units back at all.

Thanks for the kind words Clare. We do sell thousands of separates a year so we're always going to have a few back however hard we try to design in reliability. Be assured though that myself and my team and our distributor Richer Sounds will always be here to sort out any problems that might arise

Kind regards,

James Johnson-Flint, CEO, Cambridge Audio Ltd., / Audio Partnership Plc
Mr Johson...I am a big big fan of Cambridge audio as you can see from my gear. The build and sound quality you get for the money using CA is just unbeatable. Thank you for making products which I can afford as a student and enjoy immensely!

Mr Johnson , thank you for your words.It was a fault that was not easy to detect also. but I am happy so far with the replacement unit.and I am enjoying very much the sound from this CA kit now.
Thanks guys. When you and your friends are in London and ever fancy a trip round our R&D centre you are always very welcome to come and meet the team who make it happen and give them any product feedback and ideas directly. Simply send a message to me via the Cambridge Audio support web page if you (or any other fans) want to take me up on this.

Cheers, James


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