I have never owned a seperate FM tuner. I have always liked stereo receivers. I'm now on my third stereo receiver. I bought my first one in the 1980s. That was a very nice Yamaha. After that I had a Denon DRA-1000 which developed a fault in the amplifier. To replace that, we bought a Yamaha R-S500 last year. We really like it.
We also listen to internet radio but we find FM through our cable provider very convenient and very decent sound quality.
As far as the SQ of internet streams are concerned, I find some high quality streams (256 of even 320 kbps) very good. The one that jumps out for us BBC Radio 3. We can stream from a Mac or iPad to our Airport Express which is connected to a Cambridge Audio DACMagic. It sounds a little bit better than BBC Radio 3 through cable FM. It depends heavily on the bitrate though. I find anything at a lower bitrate than 128 mbps unlistenable through the stereo.
FM through cable is still quite popular here in NL. It is obviously not as good as having an aerial on the roof but noone seems to bother with that. People with cable and an FM tuner simply run a coax lead from the radio output of a wall socket. (Most wall sockets have both a TV and a radio output.) Cable providers in NL usually provide you with 35-40 stations, including quite a few stations that are not available over the air like a couple of BBC stations and stations from Belgian and German public broadcasting. We get even more stations through DVB-C but they don't sound better FM since the bitrates aren't higher than 192 kbps.
I remember the day we got cable in my parents' home. We were over the moon with the sound quality and the range of stations. The aerials came off the roofs very soon after that. That's one of the reasons why you hardly see aerials in NL. Only people that want to watch satellite, will get a dish.
A technology that was hardly developed was satellite radio tuners. There is however a German company, Restek, that develop DVB-S tuners. That's real High End stuff. Over EUR 1300 for a tuner! Biggest advantage probably that you don't need to put your TV on to listen to the radio.
For the forseeable future I don't think the cable providers will switch of the FM signal (like Virgin Media did in the UK). Most homes in NL have cable and FM infrastructure and the cable companies already have all the equipment to modulate an FM signal from digital sources. DAB+ has also arrived in NL but is mainly focussed on outdoor use (like cars) and the bandwidth used is not very impressive. More powerful transmitters will arrive over time and that might see an uptake of DAB+ radios in the homes although they don't have any advantage over internet radios and probably don't give a better choice of stations compared to FM over cable.