BenLaw said:
toyota man said:
Hi-FiOutlaw said:
BenLaw said:
Wow. Who could have imagined that so many hifi enthusiasts actually had wives or girlfriends?
... And sons... And how is your son doing? One year and...
this is true you have kept us in the dark how is he getting on ?
Hi guys, and thanks for asking
You're right, he's 10 months now, a year old in July. He keeps us very busy but is worth all the hard work. He's a right little character, very funny and curious and interactive with people of all ages. He's been crawling since 7 months and is threatening to walk now. Happily he mostly ignores the AV kit, save for the odd twiddle of the volume on the Onkyo and once accidentally having a pull at the DVD tray on the panasonic
Have literally thousand of photos, this one sums up his cheeky character quite well:
Hi Ben
thanks for sharing the intimacy of your HOME!!!
He looks like a very happy Boy and with a nice smile as well!
Regardering curiosity, huum, if I do remember right, with 10 year I pull apart the Living Room color TV, screw by screw, it was a Korting with a 61 or 66 cm wide... My father had to call the TV tecnitian to put it together...
And yes i'm a cancer as well... :roll:
all the best for the BenLaw Family!