the record spot
By the bye...as for the Yammy AS-700, it just picked up amp of the year up to £1000 in the HFC awards, so - as matthewpiano's already mentioned - it's a pretty decent bit of kit for the cash. I'd scout round the place for a deal before handing over the £470 readies the Ebay dealer wants, but that amp's worth the money. The Yamaha range of amps of late has been excellent (the AS1000 and 2000 being the other two in their series) and along with their recent range of speakers, display a real push in the 2-channel arena again from the company.
EDIT: The Home Cinema Centre has the AS700 for £350 on a BIN, ex-display but condition excellent, on their Ebay store currently. This is from their Edinburgh shop. Not sure how it compares with the aforementioned Exposure, but there's obviously a lengthier warranty with the Yammy if that's a concern. Sound-wise is another matter though!
EDIT: The Home Cinema Centre has the AS700 for £350 on a BIN, ex-display but condition excellent, on their Ebay store currently. This is from their Edinburgh shop. Not sure how it compares with the aforementioned Exposure, but there's obviously a lengthier warranty with the Yammy if that's a concern. Sound-wise is another matter though!