thanks for your advice, but one more question; but if the Rotel is too bright, and the audio lab sounds too dry, how would you describe the sound of the Arcam a5?
On the warmer side of neutral.
thanks for your advice, but one more question; but if the Rotel is too bright, and the audio lab sounds too dry, how would you describe the sound of the Arcam a5?
Hi, which turntable/cartridge combination you are using? Integrated phono preamps in amp for 1000 eur is very often big compromise. Amp like Cambridge CXA 81 is so good, it deservs solid external phono preamp, cca for 300-400 eur. But depending on sound quality of your TT and your cartridge. Rega Elex-R or new Elex mk4 has such good preamp for MM integrated. Arcam Radia the same but phono in Rega is a lot better. And do not look on few cables if the sound is not good at the end. Sound quality is most important.thanks for your comment. I have also looked at the CA CXA81, but unfortunately it does not have a phono input. And then I would also have to buy a separate phono amplifier. And that wasn't really the intention, I don't like too much cable spaghetti. Besides the fact of the phono input, I have also read in various reviews that Cambridge Audio actually does not combine very well with B&W (sound-wise). However, I don't know if this is correct because I haven't listened to it myself yet.
Not heard the CM9 but have CM1s, from memory they produced punchy bass, although I wouldn't class them as great all-rounders.Ive had Arcams for over 30 years and used to run them with B&W 601's that combo was quite warm my current set up is Arcam A15 with MA bronze 6's which I really like but was thinking of changing them out for some B&W CM9's
Not heard the CM9 but have CM1s, from memory they produced punchy bass, although I wouldn't class them as great all-rounders.
Yup, think his MA Bronze are a better all-rounder.From what I recall the CM1s were very smooth.
Sounds good to me ;-)up, think his MA Bronze are a better all-rounder.
I'm not so sure about that. The older Bronze speakers needed quite a bit of volume to sound musical, at lower volumes they were dry and sterile. I had a pair and sold them after a few weeks.Yup, think his MA Bronze are a better all-rounder.
The older Bronze sounded the best with a Roksan Kandy L3 or something similar. That hard domed tweeter needed an amp that would control the level of HF. It was the same with my RS6s, but I agree all MAs need an amp with a bit of heft.I'm not so sure about that. The older Bronze speakers needed quite a bit of volume to sound musical, at lower volumes they were dry and sterile. I had a pair and sold them after a few weeks.
The CM1's were smooth but still clear. They were a step up in refinement over the then 600 series. And not too dissimilar to the then Monitor Audio RX (Silver) range.
And is that a sound you need or do you prefer a prefer a presentation with a little more open?I would say that my MA bronze 6's do sound on the warm side of neutral with that A15 Amp
Well i kind of do like that EQ for the stuff i listen to but i think im leaning to wanting more open detail these days. The thing is also im starting to see or hear the limitations of my room its 6 foot 8 by 11 foot 5 ive got MA Bronze 6 which i think i are just way to big for the room im not able to get them the min of 1.5 meters apart and i can in no way get them 3 feet away from the back wall. And you are right you do have to drive them quite a bit which means when start getting up to 50% volume it start to get quite boomy ;-( .And is that a sound you need or do you prefer a prefer a presentation with a little more open?
I'm scratching my head as to why you are looking at floorstanders if it becomes boomy? The Bronze 6 and the CM9 aren't exactly compact floorstanders.Well i kind of do like that EQ for the stuff i listen to but i think im leaning to wanting more open detail these days. The thing is also im starting to see or hear the limitations of my room its 6 foot 8 by 11 foot 5 ive got MA Bronze 6 which i think i are just way to big for the room im not able to get them the min of 1.5 meters apart and i can in no way get them 3 feet away from the back wall. And you are right you do have to drive them quite a bit which means when start getting up to 50% volume it start to get quite boomy ;-( .
Think it's more the size of floorstander that's the issue and not the floorstander itself. One of my favourite compact floorstander that I've demoed is the Neat SX2. Very expensive new but auction prices for used pair is much cheaper.Cheers plastic penguin for the advice im not really looking for floor standers i got a good deal on the MA's a few years ago and swapped out my B&W 601's. I kind of wished that id of kept them they where warm but they where never boomy so i am very open to a set of stand mounts luckily i kept the stands. Im just thinking that floorstanders are no good in the space that i have but when i bought the MA's i didnt really think about what effects they would have in the space i have now i have a new A15 Amp and the new CD5 to go with its becoming more apparent that the speakers are the thing in my system that need a rethink.
Excellent little speakers...Think it's more the size of floorstander that's the issue and not the floorstander itself. One of my favourite compact floorstander that I've demoed is the Neat SX2. Very expensive new but auction prices for used pair is much cheaper.
This pair is from a dealer who offer a 30 day returns.
Neat Acoustics Motive SX2 Speakers - Oak - Pre Owned | eBay
Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Neat Acoustics Motive SX2 Speakers - Oak - Pre Owned at the best online prices at eBay! Free delivery for many
Here's the pair I demoed alongside the Neat Iota Alphas. The tiny Iotas were great fun to listen to but limited, clearly, in depth of soundscape. But for a small box room the Iotas are excellent.Thanks I will definitely give those a look ;-) I bought my new CD player from my local Audio T first time ive bought anything from them. So I feel brave enough to go back in and maybe demo a few speakers ill have to make a short list think I could run to around £1200 but thats going to have to be a bit later in the year.
Marantz PM7000N (streamer, phono, good sound)Köszönök minden tanácsot. Most már minimális számú márkára és modellre szűkítem a választásomat.
Az egyik első javaslat az volt, hogy keressünk Rotel erősítőt. Szóval ezt kerestem, és megtaláltam a Rotel A12MKII-t. Ez az erősítő nagyon tetszett nekem.
De egy kicsit később itt a fórumon azt mondták, hogy maradjak távol a Roteltől, különösen a B&W 606-os hangszóróimmal kombinálva. (sajnos miért nem került szóba)
A Cambridge Audio CXA61 és CXA81 szintén jelöltek. Kicsit tétováztam ebben, mert más fórumokon olvastam, hogy nem nagyon jött be a hangszóróimnak, mert elég igényesnek bizonyultak (a bölcsek szerint!). De ezek a specifikációk is tetszenek, bár vannak kétségeim a CXA61 teljesítményével kapcsolatban (elég az 50 Watt?). Hátránya persze a CA-nak, hogy nincs phono kapcsolata, így külön phono erősítőt kell vásárolnom.
A Denon PMA900HNE-t is jó javaslatnak tartottam. Ez természetesen egy erősítő számos opcióval, például az integrált HEOS rendszerrel. De itt is vannak kétségeim a teljesítményt (50 Watt).
Amint azt már észrevette, nem vagyok nagy szakértője minden műszaki specifikációnak, és nem tudom, hogy teljesen a teljesítményre kell-e koncentrálnom, vagy ez „egyáltalán” fontos?
Csak röviden, hogy mit is keresek valójában. Inkább a tiszta sztereó erősítőt részesítem előnyben, elég erővel és erővel ahhoz, hogy a legjobbat hozzam ki a hangsugárzóimból (B&W 606, bár nem csúcskategóriás, de teljes megelégedésemre). Lehetőleg phono csatlakozást és beépített DAC-t. Minden más extra és jó, ha van, de nem szükséges.
Eddig a következő erősítők érdekelnek:
- -Rotel A12MKII
- -Cambridge Audio CXA61 és CXA81
- -Denon PMA900HNE
- -Arcam A5 vagy A15
Mit gondolsz erről, hova tennéd a pénzed?
Personally i would save money and just buy a good second hand NAD C370 on e-Bay ( around £250-R280 ) , it is warm and has loads of power/ speaker bass control. I feel you will thank me later with this combo suggestionHello music friends, I am looking for a stereo amplifier to match my speakers, the B&W 606. I currently play this with a 30 year old Kenwood receiver KRV6050. Because I have been told that given new technological developments I can now generate much better sound with my B&W 606 speakers, I am now looking for a real stereo amplifier (and therefore not an AV). But this search is difficult for me, because there is so much choice that I no longer know what to do. My budget is around €1000.00. And of course I do have a few requirements, namely: I want to be able to connect a record player and a digital connection is also desirable. But the most important thing for me is that the amplifier should match my B&W speakers well in terms of sound specifics. I know that I actually have to listen to make a good choice, but I would like to have a shortlist first so as not to have to visit too many stores. So I would like to receive well-founded suggestions for a well-suited stereo amplifier. May I thank you in advance for your thoughts.