What amplifier for B&W 685?


New member
Aug 10, 2019
I am currently at the process of choosing an amplifier to match my recently bought B&W 685. I read the reviews on the speakers that they benefit a lot from a powerfull amplification. But what is considered a powerful amp to match these speakers? I am considering an amp up to 500 pounds. I would go for a Rotel but in that price range there is only the RA-04 with 40W, is that enough for the speakers? Or the Marantz PM6003? Or would it be better to go for the NAD 355?

Please, anyone with some experience on these speakers could give me some help?
Can't comment on the suggested amp but I was driving 685's very nicely from the Denon 2309 - precursor to the award winning 2310.

I have to say I never found the combo anything other than strong in bass, reasonable mid range and a bit fuzzy at the top. But it certainly did for me as part of the B and W Home theatre package. Admittedly the stereo side is only one part of the equation with an AVR .

However I 've just upgraded to a Nait Xs with flatcap and Spendor A6's ( all ex demo and utterly brilliant ) I've kept the B and W 685's and use them as rears in a revised system which enables me to use the Nait xs to drive the fronts and the Denon to drive the rest.

I do have one teething problem - and maybe Andrew can help me out?

I'm getting serious noise from the fronts whenever I engage the av input on the Nait XS ( I have taken 2 rca to 5 pin din from the Denon pre outs to the av input on the XS and flicked the unity gain switch ) So what's causing the noise as it never happens when I use any other function on the xs and play stuff through the Spendors, it only happens when I want 5.1 - which was one of the reasons for the upgrade !!
Thank you both Andrew and John for the suggestions, I relied on What HIFI's experties to phurchase the 685's and I couldn't be happier. I have them now plugged to a Yamaha RXV 550 (90W) receiver and they sound great but as a music lover I want to have an integrated amp to be able to have the best from the speakers.

But I must say, as I should have before, that I'm not from the UK! (By the way, pardon any english language abuse...!)

About the amps you both suggested, I have to find out if I could buy any of those and have it sent here to Portugal. By the way, when will What HIFI franchise and sell the magazine here also? It would be much apreciated by the folks who love audio and video and there wouldn't be much competition.
jazzdevill another one(me also) from portugal🙂 where are you from?im from lisbon
Boas!  bom encontrar por aqui conterrƒneos entusiastas! Sou de Braga, bem a norte.

Hi JazzDevill,

I have a Rotel RA-05 with the 685's and for me it really works well, but they come alive when you get to about 9 o'clock on the volume dial! Make sure the neighbours are out first though!

Reviews I read when I was buying said the RA-04 sounds better, something to do with the remote control circuits in the 05 that arn't in the 04, but I didn't get a chance to test the 04, and like having a remote control!

Hope you find something you like, and if you can, try to hear a few different things.
I guess we have to speak english.there's another person here from portugal but also from the north, cant recall the user name...say...here you can find the yamahas.and pioneer amps at worten or fnac.for something a bit more high end try maquimsom.pt a very smooth amp with high current is the pioneer a-209r cheap +- 189 euros or the a-309r a bit more powerful.maybe you shoud try the a-209r easy to find at worten..you wount be disapointed.do you have any amp already?
No, I have a receiver, the Yamaha RX-V550, quite good with stereo but not an amp specifically for music. I have tried the 685's with my father's Fatman Tube Amp, no doubt they sound amazing. I know maquimsom.com, I searched it a lot already but I would like to buy something recommended by What HIFI, there are a lot of integrated amps with plenty of power but not all of them are good. Some Denons are quite powerful and cheap but they are very poorly regarded here... The reason I want a little bit more power from the amp is because the review of the 685's mentioned that they would perform better with something a little more hefty. That's why I'm reluctant to buy an amp with around 40 or 50W per channel.

I'm considering Andrew's sugestion of the Exposure XX, I've already asked the dealer that he pointed out if they can send it to Portugal. The Cyrus John sugested would be great too, I'm completing my ebay subscription to be able to bid for it, although I still don't know if it can be sent here.

I didn't know those Exposure but I read a great review of the new Exposure 2010 but it's a little expensive for now... and I have no idea where I could buy it here in Portugal also...

I'm going to check out those Yamaha's you pointed out, the difficulty is to find reviews to shortlist and be able to listen to some...
you are right about the denon stereo integrated amps..they suck, that pioneer seems to be underpowered but has high current and sounds much metter and rounded and smooth .the yamahas will sound a bit harsh in comparison, Ive listened to all the amps available almost lol also from cambridge audio.perhaps the 740 or 840
Well, as for the sound, I can apreciate the smoothness but I wanted one that could also rock my world you know? Finding that right amp that could be neutral, smooth when intended and forward and moving when the occasion asks... I read some astonishing things about the Exposure XX...
For Andrew Everard: I searched for reviews for the Exposure XX and I couldn't be more curious about it. The one you pointed out could be sent here and I am very tempted to buy it. The only concerns are the normal as it is a used amp with some years on it. Also, considering the Exposure and the Cyrus, Yamaha and Audiolab that John Duncan sugested, how would you describe the sound? I can't find any good review on the Yamaha 700...
I really like the Exposure amps - they have a fast, powerful and dynamic sound, but with fine weight and grip, too. And Greenhome's products have all been checked over and serviced before sale, so I'd suggest it's a relatively low-risk investment.
If you are referring to the Yamaha A-S700 maybe I can help.

Firstly it has won an award for best amp under £1k in a rival magazine. I think that is possibly going a bit too far, particularly when the Naim Nait 5i falls within that category. THAT is a stunning piece of kit.

That aside, the Yamaha is an excellent amplifier. Very balanced sounding with great rhythmic qualities and no one area of the frequency range that stands out. It would give the 685s the power they need bu I think the overall result might sound very much on the safe and controlled sound. From my experience the Yamaha sounds best with slightly faster speakers than the 685s, such as Quad 11Ls. I think you would need to audition the Yamaha with your speakers to be absolutely sure. Ultimately, as much as I love the A-S700, I still prefer the Pioneer A-400. Great though the A-S700 is, I'm not sure it is the right amp for the 685s.

For 685s I think its very hard to beat a NAD. The C355BEE would be absolutely ideal or, if you want to save a few quid, plump for a C352. The B&Ws relish the drive and superb power delivery of the NAD and I think you would find the combination brings out all the superb qualities of your speakers whilst adding a bit of drama and involvement. I had a pair of 685s here for a week and tried them with a few amplifiers, finding they sounded best with a C325BEE I had at the time.

Hope this helps.
Andrew Everard:I really like the Exposure amps - they have a fast, powerful and dynamic sound, but with fine weight and grip, too. And Greenhome's products have all been checked over and serviced before sale, so I'd suggest it's a relatively low-risk investment.

I can happily vouch for Greenhome having purchased from them in the past. Accurate condition descriptions and excellent service (delivery and packaging superb). Very friendly guy as well if you exchange emails with him.

I'd also suggest keeping an eye on Steve's Hi-Fi. My A400 and RCD965BX have both come from there, fully serviced before sale and sold with a 3 month guarantee. Again, packaging has been excellent and he is a very approachable and knowledgable guy with a real passion for delivering quality products and services. The prices are higher than you would pay on Ebay (I paid £150 each for amp and CD), but I personally think it is worth it to get something that has been properly serviced and checked out. Both the items I've bought are outstanding examples of two very fine pieces of kit. I am very pleased and would buy from him again without reservation.
Musical Fidelity A3 Dual Mono Integrated Amplifier ... ebay item 380169041330 ... £370 on a buy it now ... you might get it a bit cheaper elsewhere
Andrew Everard:I really like the Exposure amps - they have a fast, powerful and dynamic sound, but with fine weight and grip, too. And Greenhome's products have all been checked over and serviced before sale, so I'd suggest it's a relatively low-risk investment.

Yup - I'm another one subscribing to the Exposure camp. Very good amps indeed, the drawback for me is a distinct lack of retail outlets.
Thak you all very much for the help on choosing an amp, specially Andrew Everard, it must be hard to answer all the questions. I am very close to making a decision for the Exposure XX.

One final question: Would you say the Exposure XX sonically superior to the Cyrus 6VS2? I haven't read a good review on that one, it's the only one that I am still considering. I know the Cyrus is more expensive but it is brand new and if the sound justified it I'd seriously consider it.

Thanks again in advance
Sorry! I haven't looked at it yet, I'm going to search some reviews. What can you say about how it sounds?
good reviews, think it got 5 stars from WHF a few years ago ... was one of my choices before I bought my pioneer A400 ... search google to read the reviews

HiFi world had this to say:

A level of detail and transparency rare at the price (and higher). The A3 is a class leader in solid state design

cost was £850 in aug 2001
Andrew Everard:I really like the Exposure amps - they have a fast, powerful and dynamic sound, but with fine weight and grip, too. And Greenhome's products have all been checked over and serviced before sale, so I'd suggest it's a relatively low-risk investment.

If I had £275 for this, I'd be all over it like a shot. Exposure kit has a good name to it, well reviewed, not widely shouted about from the rooftops, but God knows why - more than capable gear and that amp's just appeared on the GH site I think. £275 well spent and that'd cane anything on the market just now with room to spare and a pound or two above IMO.


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