Well I can compare QED micro cable vs Chord Carnival Silverscreen


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Okay well after all the back and forth about speaker cables I decided to invest in the Chord's and compare the two.

No question....the Chord is deeper both in midrange and bass and is a bit clearer

I still don't understand why that can't be represented by some kind of graph illustrating the frequency responses though
There is such a graph, but we cannot share it with hi fi newbies. Once you become a hi fi old salt, you will be inducted into the club and all will be revealed. Loads of graphs, even dare I say, a pie chart or two showing detailed differences as sound travels through the omni-present ether.
hi fi newbie: I still don't understand why that can't be represented by some kind of graph illustrating the frequency responses though

It probably can, but that does really prove anything? Our ears are different, our sound preferences are different. Speaker manufacturers publish their products output, impedence, frequency range. But we do not rate speakers on such data, so why do so with speaker cable? Maybe a reason for that is how do measure cable frequency, is it not the speaker that is being measured instead? Just guessing on that one. Generalisations, but to give examples; younger ears can detect higher frequencies than older ones, my wife hears more differences than I do when we have auditioned together. So what would a graph illustrate, that my wife has better hearing than me?
jaxwired:There is such a graph, but we cannot share it with hi fi newbies. Once you become a hi fi old salt, you will be inducted into the club and all will be revealed. Loads of graphs, even dare I say, a pie chart or two showing detailed differences as sound travels through the omni-present ether.

Oh noes, the greatest secret is revealed

hi fi newbie: I still don't understand why that can't be represented by some kind of graph illustrating the frequency responses though

It probably can, but that does really prove anything? Our ears are different, our sound preferences are different. Speaker manufacturers publish their products output, impedence, frequency range. But we do not rate speakers on such data, so why do so with speaker cable?

Because we like measurements with cables because they tell us - we choose to believe - that yes, we do hear that difference.

You kind of lost me after that...measurements of speaker cable are just that, arent they? Maybe im confused. Wouldnt be a first time.

I'll just, er...i have to go...i have...a...thing...


That yamaha kit is old school sexy!

Ooh, thats the best pick of them ive ever seen. til now i just thought it was a horrible "tan" strip along the top either side, in cheap plastic. But that i could live with...

EDIT - but not at that price.


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