Well-known member
CnoEvil said:I suggest Tilting at Windmills.
You learn something new everyday. 🙂
CnoEvil said:I suggest Tilting at Windmills.
Not on here you, you don't! *wink*steve_1979 said:CnoEvil said:I suggest Tilting at Windmills.
You learn something new everyday. 🙂
lpv said:Thompsonuxb said:matt49 said:David@FrankHarvey said:Not really, as I have a certain level I'll listen to stuff at - as we all do - so I wouldn't have been listening at a higher level with the Chord, depsite its output being higher.davedotco said:The fact that the Chord Dac has a measurably higher output than the Audiolab would account for the 'obvious difference' unless measures are taken to match the analog signal levels.
Dave's point stands: you can't reliably set levels by ear.
I'm with David@ with this 100%.
Its what we all do. No one sits there with measuring kit wired up to their stuff.
It's a stupid suggestion - exactly as his reply suggest we all have a level.
I've argued level matching is stupid because not all equ is equal.
Yes initially loudness may well win but we will all settle down to what's 'comfortable' and will assess objectively what's 'right' and what's 'better' probably given time, getting the SPL bang on too.
I mean c'mon.....!
your approach to the subject of evaluating audio components suggest that you are generaly a good client of hifi stores and dealers can succesfuly use in front of you simple trick like ' if this component is louder therefore it's better' ( plus the price knowledge as it plays huge role in evaluating given component)... when the voltage of two dacs is matched, amplifier loudness is set equally and with an A/B switch under your fingers, only then any valid comparission between two dac can be made.?
this measuring tools are cheap and easy accesible. but you are free to spend £1000 on a dac and glorify it using all poetry available while all it's done to it is voltage output set higher than the other dac so it sounds 'better'
chebby said:Wouldn't this level mismatch only become apparent when doing direct A vs B comparisons and switching between components immediately?
If there were an appreciable amount of time between listening to A and B (enough time to disconnect a DAC and re-connect another) then our hearing wouldn't have retained (or 'remembered') the original levels if they were similar.
I seem to remember the same people who explained the importance of level matching also explaining that we forget sounds very quickly. IIRC it's just a matter of a few seconds.
So do we retain (or remember) sound levels better than we remember sound quality after long enough intervals?
lpv said:if you have time and you're ready to shake your thinking about audio ( and have time) go ahead ( you have to be registered user to access videos or audio files)
Yeah, after 3-4 seconds, I forget how good my system sounds... 🙂Infiniteloop said:3-4 seconds??
Wow that's fast. - Given 3-4 seconds, how can fast switching be of any practical use when comparing components?
David@FrankHarvey said:Nope, no need, as I as very familiar with my own system I had owned for many years.matt49 said:No direct A/B comparison? o/
Nope, no need, as I was very familiar with my own system I had owned for many years.matt49 said:No direct A/B comparison? o/
MeanandGreen said:... Really does leave me flabbergasted at times.
How anyone can question measuring audio as opposed to just listening. Or how people fail to see how the accuracy of level matched A/B testing vs just playing one source and then the other and relying on memory, first impressions, expectation bias and audibly set levels etc... etc... is totally beyond me.
Is common sence really so rare these days?
Seriously the Hi Fi press and the boutique manufacturers really have succeeded in pushing BS to unprecedented levels.
That's usually the intention of the trolls 🙂CnoEvil said:I suspect that the OP has long since found another hobby.
MajorFubar said:'garbage in, garbage out' was a very true idiom, technically it's still not wrong, but digital raised the bottom line so much that there's really no such thing as garbage any more in the digital domain. Plug a decent £100 pair of headphones into an iPod and you're getting sound quality that is leagues ahead of that from 'stereos' and midi systems from a generation ago.
David@FrankHarvey said:That's usually the intention of the trolls 🙂CnoEvil said:I suspect that the OP has long since found another hobby.
tonky said:I sit and listen to good music - I respect specifications and measurements but I am not into measuring - I judge good equipment by listening. If people use measurements that's fine by me.
Do elaborate. But don't expect any reply that is any different to what I have said already.davedotco said:David@FrankHarvey said:That's usually the intention of the trolls 🙂CnoEvil said:I suspect that the OP has long since found another hobby.
For someone as willfully and deliberately uninformed as your self, that is highly amusing.
I blame the parents.
lpv said:would you dare to explain why you think measuring audio is a stupid suggestion?
i think the later ipod dacs ok! Cirrus ones i think? The wolfson dacs were better..the major has a point re sound of ipod compared to er..matsui midi system? Unfair comparison? Sanyo? Sony? The sound of ipods or any portable modern device is amazing! Even on cheap earphones! (the quality of modern headphones is quite something) i have a ipod shuffle and the sound and the amount of songs..compared to c90 cassette? Lol...try streaming hd music on your phone from youtube..into your hifi then stream from ipod! Mmm? Sounds bad ipod..sounds fab..i have samsung and lumia phones..lumia esp horrid better..ipod trounces both! In my humble opinion..manicm said:MajorFubar said:'garbage in, garbage out' was a very true idiom, technically it's still not wrong, but digital raised the bottom line so much that there's really no such thing as garbage any more in the digital domain. Plug a decent £100 pair of headphones into an iPod and you're getting sound quality that is leagues ahead of that from 'stereos' and midi systems from a generation ago.
Um, the last 2 ipod classics sounded pants i.e. not good. And why would they, especially since Apple inserted inferior dacs in these later generations?
davedotco said:David@FrankHarvey said:That's usually the intention of the trolls 🙂CnoEvil said:I suspect that the OP has long since found another hobby.
For someone as willfully and deliberately uninformed as your self, that is highly amusing.
I blame the parents.
davedotco said:David@FrankHarvey said:That's usually the intention of the trolls 🙂CnoEvil said:I suspect that the OP has long since found another hobby.
For someone as willfully and deliberately uninformed as your self, that is highly amusing.
I blame the parents.