Gazzip said:Vladimir said:Gazzip said:Vladimir said:Gazzip said:TrevC said:You find one badly translated review and that trumps an actual listening test? Really? I thought you said listening was the most important criteria?
I personally wouldn't buy the Behringer because it's fugly, BTW. I would go for one of the £200 amps that Richer sells.
Looking at the spec sheets for the test gear the YBA2 power amp used in the "high end" system only delivers 70W in to 8 ohms, whereas the A500 used in the "cheap as chips" system is in the many 100's of Watts in to 8 ohms. Given that ATC recommend a minimum 100W per channel to drive the SCM12's I would say that the "high end" amplifier is significantly under powered for driving those monitors. Nothing like skewing the test to deliver the result you want!
Part of the test is not driving either amp into clipping. The test is not looking for which amplifier is more powerfull and better at driving difficult loads, but if there are qualitative difference in sound when all quantitative things are equal.
The difference between 70Wpc in 8 ohms and 100 of the same is only slightly above a dB.
You need to read this and learn a bit about these tests and why they are done.
Sorry Vladimir but unless I am missing something, and it has been a long day, the article says NOTHING about how hard the amps were driven in the method section which describes the test. One can only assume therefore that there could have been clipping.
The test subjects couldn't tell the difference between both amps. The result didn't show the Behringer was better, so why would you asume the YBA was clipping? First thing that is done in these tests is to level match with a very tight tolerance and set the amplifiers at levels withut clipping (probably not using more than 10W).
By your logic the cheaply made Behringer A500 is undisputedly better than the much much more expensive quality build YBA because the A500 it is just a bit more powerfull. The subjectivists claim the YBA is better in all aspect and despite being less powerfull, it is more powerfull.
My logic states that equally specified products should be used in a test like this. On that note different cables were used in both systems and the Behringer was balanced on a wooden chair. It all smacks just a little too much of somebody trying to make a (their) point at the expense of objectivity.
You just change the amp. You don't change everything. Balanced on a chair?! Objective? Give me a fecking break.
The same speaker cables were used. It demonstrated that neither the amp, or the CD player or the interconnects or the racks used in a system make any real difference at all. Pretty damn conclusive.