Freddy58 said:**** thread this has turned out to be. I find personal attacks very distasteful, and very unbecoming of so-called adults.
As for the subject matter, I pretty much agree with the Major. I think differences between CDP's are going to be quite subtle, compared to the differences between speakers.
Once again the talk is about 'differences'. Not improvements, not better, just different.
Speakers are passive devices (yes even active ones) in the sense that they can only play the music that is played into them. In that respect I am with Thompson (cough, splutter) the quality of the source is paramount. However this does not mean that it has to be expensive, some digital sources, properly set up, can be superb, at very modest cost.
I am loath to make absolute assertions here, but I feel that amplifiers that are good 'enough' cost rather more than £200, and that a better amplifier allows the speaker to produce the music in a more realistic manner, be it down to 'control', transparency or dynamics.