Want better low level detail - any recommendations


New member
Aug 10, 2019
Arcam Diva CD82T , Audiolab 8000a , Audioquest Bi-wired Blue cable (circa 1995) , Mission 752

Im happy with CD , any thoughts on the Amp , Cable , Speakers to improve what I would say was good detail at low volume levels

I realise Amp and Speakers are quite old (although when released were rated highly and actually sound pretty good)) but not wishing to spend too much ; if I can get anything for 2-300 which is better today just because technology has moved on in last 10 years and perhaps get a good 2nd hand deal on ebay

I was thinking of the A80/85 as a replacement amp

I wish to replace the cable anyway with something that will go under a wooden floor ; so any suggestions ?
Technology hasn't really moved on that much to be honest and I find most modern amps pretty poor at low volume levels. Arcam is not a brand I would be looking at for this type of usage.

By far the best amps at lower volumes are the NAD ones. They seem to maintain tonal quality even at extremely low settings. A C352 or C355BEE would improve on your Audiolab in this respect and make a good, inexpensive buy.
The A85 is very good at low volume levels, and coupled with a P85 (in due course) I imagine it will do exactly what you want (and more)


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