Using DMPBDT500 as CD Player?


New member
Jan 14, 2013
I've just aquired myself a Panasonic DMPBDT500 Bluray player. I have a basic Pan bluray at the mo already that rarely gets used so was thinking do I use the 500 as a CD player on my A19 or sell it and get a second hand Arcam CD player? Something like a CD62/72

what do you guys reckon???


New member
Dec 28, 2012
I would not waste money on a dedicated CD player. The Panasonic DMPBDT500 has been designed with audio in mind and should be excellent with CD playback. It has had its circuitry tweaked so that it can perform without any video processing interference in pure Audio mode whilst playing CD's. It has Analog out connections as well which can feed straight into your Arcam amp which should in theory enhance SQ over a digital connection

I would think that you would have to spend a fair bit on a CD player to better the performance of the Panasonic. The only thing it lacks is SACD and DVD-Audio but if you can live without that then its all good in my opinion.

Heres a link to a review of the player which praises the Audio abilities of the player:


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